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Question about implementing NPC and Player Subtle UI seperately

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:24 pm
by 78Star
So I have NPCs around my scene. Player walks up to NPC, which triggers a Bark to show, then the player can click the Bark Bubble(if there is a conversation) and the dialog starts showing in the bubble. Then the player says something, which I want to show up in the players subtitle panel, not the one the NPC is using. How do I achieve this? Likewise if their are multiple NPCs in a conversation how do I have each Actors Dialog show in their Subtitle panel?

Re: Question about implementing NPC and Player Subtle UI seperately

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 8:52 pm
by Tony Li

If each character is to have a dialogue text bubble over their head, see: How To: Show Overhead Conversation Bubble Text