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Unable to move camera to required camera angle using sequencer camera command

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:39 pm
by harsha
I'm trying to make the camera look at the actor on every dialogue, so I created a CameraAngles gameobject with two children - "NPCView" and "PlayerView", then entered sequencer command "Camera(NPCView)" for all the NPC Dialouges and "Camera(PlayerView)" command for all the player dialogues. When I play the game there are two things happening

1. Camera either only looks at the player(PlayerView camera position) and just moves a little forward when the NPC dialogues play but it doesnt reposition to NPCView position.
2. There is a second camera called sequencer camera in the scene.

Also is there a way I can make the camera look at the actor on every dialogue using Cinemachine?

Re: Unable to move camera to required camera angle using sequencer camera command

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:47 pm
by Tony Li

The Camera Angles prefab is relative. For example, the Closeup angle in the default Camera Angles prefab can do a closeup on any character because it positions the camera relative to that character.

For details, please see: Camera Angle Prefabs.

For a video explanation, see part 2 (Camerawork) of the Cutscene Sequence Tutorials.

Re: Unable to move camera to required camera angle using sequencer camera command

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:58 pm
by harsha
Thank you very much for your response. I'll look into that.

I also have one more question, is there a way I can make the camera look at the actor on every dialogue using Cinemachine?

Re: Unable to move camera to required camera angle using sequencer camera command

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:06 pm
by Tony Li
Yes. If you want to move the camera into position at the start of the conversation and leave it there for the duration of the conversation, use a a Cinemachine Priority On Dialogue Event component on the NPC.

If you want to move the camera to face each character as they speak, set the Dialogue Manager's Camera & Cutscene Settings > Default Sequence or the conversation's Menu > Conversation Properties > Override Display Settings > ... > Default Sequence. You can use a CinemachineTarget() sequencer command if you want to use the same vcam and change its target, or you can use CinemachinePriority() commands to change the priorities of dedicated vcams for each character.