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Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:43 am
by irve
I ran into an issue and I think it's better to ask the expert here.

What happens is that we have a hub which has a conditional dialogue option for the player (if the player picks up that the other guy does not like him he can mess around with the fact). Then there are two splits which basically check if you are mad enough to go full retard at some point.
Articy screenshot with a corresponding in-game menu
Articy screenshot with a corresponding in-game menu
error.png (182.02 KiB) Viewed 1569 times
While it should be the topmost choice it gets stuffed at the bottom, yet the bottom option should always be the "leave" option.

I might have some "menu was updated" call somewhere, but something tells me that it might be the nested conditional thing which goes through the first level options first, then looks further. I think that the writers' intuition looks at the "entry point" height. Am I correct here and is this something that could be fixed or is it by design (or it could be an issue with my own UI logic)?

We have had some double-entry issues too when the writers split from conditions into the same hub from different places, if you want to look into that I might find an example.

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:49 am
by Tony Li
Could you please post a more zoomed-in screenshot of the dialogue so I can read the text? I'm pretty sure I understand what you're describing, but I'm having a little trouble reading the image to make sure. It sure looks like a logic issue with the Dialogue System's articy converter. If so, I'll fix it.

If you can find and post an example of the double entry issue, that would be great, too.

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:01 am
by irve
The first choice is "false" in the conditionals. PMing the detailed view to block out the booleans.

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:06 pm
by Tony Li
Thanks for PMing the detailed view. I recreated it in articy:draft, and I can't reproduce the problem you described. The dialogue fragments appear in the expected order.

This is the dialogue I created:


And these are the links from the hub node:


I also tested it in a conversation, and the responses appear in the order shown above.

I recreated the dialogue a few times, creating the dialogue fragments in different orders. The order of creation didn't affect the final order of the responses. Only the Y-position affected the order of responses.

What version of articy:draft are you using?

What version of the Dialogue System?

Do you have any custom code that might be reordering the responses?

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:52 am
by irve
Thank you for the idea of checking in the editor (I go there rarely as stuff works and the views are slow and messy).

For some reason we get the wrong order after the import. (All the priorities are "normal", but the two final entries are in red: for some reason the importer thinks that they are "spoken" by the conversant, whereas they are the converted condition nodes in reality)

Articy version is
Unity version is 5.4.0f3
Dialogue System:

If you PM an e-mail I could send the .xml file for further adventures. (The buggy entry is in dialogue "WHIRLING / GARTE" and has a title "Garte altintro HUB" and ID of 26, (might be of help, as it is slightly difficult to find in the node-tree))

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 11:46 am
by Tony Li
Thanks for the detailed version info. I'll try those exact versions. I also PM'ed you an email address to send the XML file.

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:11 pm
by Tony Li
For other readers: The Pixel Crushers customer download page now has a fix for this issue. If you need access, please PM me your Unity Asset Store invoice number.

The issue was that the converter wasn't observing the Y-position of Condition nodes. In the patch on the download page, it correctly observes the Y-position.

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:09 am
by irve
Confirming fix with the newer .dlls. Thanks 8-)

Re: Menu order issue with Articy nested conditionals

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:04 am
by Tony Li
Great! This fix will be in the next full release, too, for those who prefer to download from the Asset Store.