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Problem with continue button and sequencer commands

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 7:34 pm
by MasterDavicous

I have a SendMessage to my faceplate script where the mouth should stop its talking animation when either the dialogue text is finished, or the FMODWait sequencer has finished. This works as expected, except for when I hit the continue button to complete the text and continue to the next dialogue node quickly before, it seems, the message is able to send. I cannot count on every player waiting until the end of the dialogue typing or audio playing before skipping to the next one, so I would like to be able to call the "stop talking" message when the continue button skips to the next dialogue as well.
My sequencer shortcuts for text and audio sequences.
My sequencer shortcuts for text and audio sequences.
Capture.JPG (35.81 KiB) Viewed 178 times
Thank you for your time,

Re: Problem with continue button and sequencer commands

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:55 pm
by Tony Li
Hi Dave,

Put "required" before the commands that are waiting for {{end}} or the "StopTalking" message, such as:

Code: Select all

SendMessage(SetIsTalking, true, speaker);
required SendMessage(SetIsTalking, false, speaker)@{{end}}
The "required" keyword guarantees that the command will run even if the player skips ahead early.