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Visual Novel Framework adjustments

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:30 am
by cupntea
First of all, thank you very much for supporting your product and keeping all questions answered. I can imagine how difficult this is considering you have to develop the product at the same time.
Sorry for my silly questions, I know I'm far from a developer guru, but as an excuse, before asking I try to do a proper research on the internet and this forum.

I'm building some sort of a Visual Novel with Unity and of course using DIalogue Systems for the conversations. I recently found out there's a framework available, which I downloaded and installed according to the manual you provided within. Now, I want to amend the dialogue panels, change their positions, remove some components and add other UIs. However, when I open a Gameplay scene, I can't find the actual dialogue panels to modify. Can you please guide me a little bit, if that's achievable at all.
This is what I see (how sure how to modify the speeches panels):
gameplay_ui.jpg (36.66 KiB) Viewed 273 times
This is what I want to achieve:
acheive.jpg (62.28 KiB) Viewed 273 times
Maybe I should compose (or it would be easier) it from the scratch rather than modifying Framework?
Thank you in advance for the reply.

Re: Visual Novel Framework adjustments

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:40 am
by Tony Li

The Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field points to a dialogue UI prefab named "Visual Novel Dialogue UI" in the Project view.

You can duplicate this prefab, assign your duplicate to the Dialogue UI field, and customize its appearance.

Or, possibly easier in the long run, duplicate the "Basic Standard Dialogue UI" prefab, assign your duplicate to the Dialogue UI field, and customize that instead. The Basic Standard Dialogue UI has separate subtitle panels, which is closer to your desired design. The Visual Novel Dialogue UI prefab, on the other hand, shares the same subtitle panel for all actors. So it would be a bit more work to set up separate subtitle panels for it. If you use the Basic Standard Dialogue UI, I recommend copying the "Control Panel" child GameObject from the Visual Novel Dialogue UI prefab and pasting it into your dialogue UI. You'll need to hook up the buttons' OnClick() events again. Examine how they're set up in the Visual Novel Dialogue UI prefab.