Saving only quests and variables
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:00 am
I am implementing save / load in my game. As I have my own system, I only want to save/load dialogue database. That's works fine with
But after I have inspected what will be actually saved, I see a lot redundant and unnecessary (in my opinion) savedata. Most space will be used just to save Actors, including all language translations like this:
2) If it is realy unnecessary, can I somehow crop Actors from savefile?
Can this method be adjusted in that way?
3) Btw: Can I pretty print it?
Code: Select all
string dialogueSysSaveData = PersistentDataManager.GetSaveData();
1) I want to understand first, why actors and translations will be saved at all? All NPC names and their translations are just permanent data and will not ever change. So I do not see any point to save them. Moreover, even if I will find some typo in name or translation, I for sure do not want it to be saved at all. So what is the point to save Actors at all? Including translations and even descriptions?Actor={Lionessy={Name=\"Lionessy\", Pictures=\"[]\", Description=\"\", IsPlayer=true, Name_ru=\"Львичка\", Name_de=\"Löwinlein\", Name_zh=\"母狮\"}, Alchemist={Name=\"Alchemist\", Pictures=\"[]\", Description=\"old killme\", IsPlayer=false, Name_ru=\"Алхимик\", Name_de=\"Alchemist\", Name_zh=\"Alchemist\"}, [\"Шахтёр_Лорн\"]={Name=\"Шахтёр Лорн\", Pictures=\"[]\", Description=\"\", IsPlayer=false, Name_ru=\"\", Name_de=\"\", Name_zh=\"\"}, Zuqaqip_the_Shepherd={Name=\"Zuqaqip the Shepherd\", Pictures=\"[]\", Description=\"\", IsPlayer=false, Name_ru=\"Пастух Зукакип\", Name_de=\"Hirte Zukakip\", Name_zh=\"牧羊人\"}, Didi_the_Rogue={Name=\"Didi the Rogue\", Pictures=\"[]\", Description=\"old killme\", IsPlayer=false, Name_ru=\"\", Name_de=\"\", Name_zh=\"\"}, Shushanna_the_Daggermaster={Name=\"Shushanna the Daggermaster\", Pictures=\"[]\", Description=\"old killme\", IsPlayer=false, Name_ru=\"\", Name_de=\"\", Name_zh=\"\"}, Traveler={Name=\"Traveler\", Pictures=\"[]\", Description=\"First NPC when coming into savannah\", IsPlayer=false
2) If it is realy unnecessary, can I somehow crop Actors from savefile?
Code: Select all
string dialogueSysSaveData = PersistentDataManager.GetSaveData();
3) Btw: Can I pretty print it?