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When continue button is pushed early, the talking animation for the next segment doesn't trigger

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:39 pm
by Basel
So in a cutscene sequence, I have an actor who has a talking animation while the typewriter effect is in progress. She stops talking once the typewriter effect is done. This is the default sequence for dialogues:

Code: Select all

required AnimatorPlay(Talk);
So this runs fine for the first sequence, but if I hit the continue button early, the talk animation doesn't run at all for the next dialogue line (the typewriter effect does work though.)

I'm not sure if it's the sequence script or the continue button that is the issue. Is there some way to make sure the talk animation runs if continue is pressed early?

(The animation plays fine if I wait out the entire previous dialogue before hitting continue.)

Thanks again for your help.

Re: When continue button is pushed early, the talking animation for the next segment doesn't trigger

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:42 pm
by Tony Li

Try changing the sequence to:

Code: Select all

required AnimatorPlay(Mouth_Idle)@Message(Typed);