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Text cuts away from the bottom

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:30 am
by ramboaslak
Okay, I've got this issue where the last line of the text cuts away when the dialogue reaches the bottom of the screen. I've been using the Scrolling Dialogue UI as a base, and this issue appeared out of nowhere today. I don't have any idea what caused this. I tried using the different alignment options available in the Subtitle Text (TMP) gameobject, which do align the text right, but it makes the Typewriter effect jittery. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have no idea where to look.

Re: Text cuts away from the bottom

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:35 am
by Tony Li

If you manually scroll the area, does the text show up? Or do you think the scroll content area is too short to accommodate the text? You can inspect the scroll content area to see if its Rect Transform bounds are cutting off that text. If so, inspect the TextMeshProUGUI component and try adding some padding at the bottom.

Re: Text cuts away from the bottom

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 10:11 am
by ramboaslak
I was able to figure this out by removing the Dialogue Manager from the scene and adding it again, so problem solved, thanks for your help :)

Re: Text cuts away from the bottom

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:46 am
by Tony Li
When the problem occurs while playing in the editor, pause the game. Inspect the scroll content area. Are the Rect Transform bounds too short to accommodate the text? Or does it look like something else is going on?

Re: Text cuts away from the bottom

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 1:46 am
by ramboaslak
The rect transform bounds are - as far as I can tell - normal. This behaviour happens only when Warm Up Conversation Controller is set to "extra".

Re: Text cuts away from the bottom

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:15 am
by Tony Li
Are you starting the conversation when the scene starts?

Any chance you could send a reproduction project to tony (at)

Re: Text cuts away from the bottom

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 7:43 am
by Tony Li
Thanks for sending the reproduction project. We resolved this in email, but I'll record the solution here so it's easy to find in the future.

Solution: Tick the Subtitle Panel Info's Standard UI Subtitle Panel > Clear Text On Conversation Start checkbox. The Extra setting leaves a blank space in the subtitle text. (I'll see if I can address that in the next DS update.) TextMesh Pro seems to compute its textBounds height incorrectly when there's a blank line at the beginning.