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Text Mesh Pro Implementation

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 10:51 pm
by Omniclause
Sorry if this has been asked before but I have searched diligently without finding a solution. Is it possible to use text mesh pro in a prefab dialog ui. I'm currently on the 2022 long term stable version of unity and the current version of the dialogue system. Im using the basic standard dialog ui. My best case scenario would be to replace the text for the subtitle panel and the npc name panel with a text mesh pro text object but understand that is likely impossible. Via the documentation I have seen that there is a text mesh pro demo in the third party support folder but unfortunately it doesn't show up in my folder. Is there anyway with this asset to use a boilerplate type ui with text mesh pro instead of the basic text that is default in unity?

Re: Text Mesh Pro Implementation

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:18 pm
by Tony Li

Your best case scenario is the correct way to do it. Here are the steps:

1. In the Dialogue System Welcome Window, tick the TMP_PRESENT checkbox.

2. In your dialogue UI (or any other Dialogue System UI), remove the Text GameObject that you want to replace, and add a TextMeshProUGUI GameObject in its place.

3. Assign the TextMeshProUGUI to the corresponding field in the Standard UI Subtitle Panel (e.g., Subtitle Text field), Standard UI Menu Panel, or Standard UI Response Button.

4. If you're replacing a subtitle text field and you want to use a typewriter effect, add a TextMesh Pro Typewriter Effect component to it.

5. If your continue button(s) use Standard UI Continue Button Fast Forward components, assign the subtitle text to the component.