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Dialog entry groups are too easy to accidentally create, too hard to delete

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:57 am
by lgarczyn
I find myself accidentally creating dialogue entry node groups quite often, usually because I pressed ctrl a few milliseconds after the click (instead of before, to open the context menu).

This creates a very confusing zero-width group Image

Pressing ctrl-z, my immediate reflex, destroys any changes since the last save, without any possible redo.

Right-clicking this weird triangle gives no result. Clicking gives no feedback.

After a bit of fiddling with it, I discover that dragging it turns into a window, like this Image

Because I dragged left, this apparently puts the entry group into a cursed empty mode, that cannot be closed or selected, unless one tries to drag it all the way right again

What should have happened:
* user should not be able to create a group unless selection actually covers dialogue entries
* dialogue entry group should display correctly, no matter the drag direction
* dialogue entry group should *definitely* not be created if no drag is happening

Re: Dialog entry groups are too easy to accidentally create, too hard to delete

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 8:31 am
by Tony Li
Thank you -- yes, I'll make those changes in the next update. I'll try to get a patch out sooner than that, too.

Re: Dialog entry groups are too easy to accidentally create, too hard to delete

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:58 pm
by lgarczyn
Thanks for the very quick replies, as usual ^^

Re: Dialog entry groups are too easy to accidentally create, too hard to delete

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 3:08 pm
by Tony Li

This patch has improvements to node groups:


Some users want to be able to create node groups first and then create nodes in them, so you can still create node groups that don't contain any nodes. But it will only create the node group if the rect is large enough. You also cannot reduce the size of a node group beyond a certain limit.

Node group headings also now stay white (in dark mode) or black (in light mode) regardless of the node box's color. Users were having trouble reading the headings when the box colors were extreme.