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Support for "TextMesh Pro Typewriter Effect"

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 5:56 pm
by szeora

I've been trying out the evaluation version of the Dialogue System while following the youtube tutorials, but when I reached the point in the Dialogue UI Tutorial 2 when it was asked to add the "TextMesh Pro Typewriter Effect" component to the Subtitle TMP and tried to do so, the script didn't show up.

I looked for it in the Dialogue System folders and I found it in Plugins > Pixel Crushers > Dialogue System > Wrappers > UI > Utility, so I dragged it to my Subtitle TMP, however in the console it said that the support for the script needed to be enabled in the welcome window. When I looked at it, I noticed that TextMesh Pro support was already checked, although the one named Super Text Mesh wasn't (and I was unable to check it anyway, which I assumed it's because I'm using the free trial). I didn't find anything that said whether the scripts in that folder are exclusive to the paid version or not, so I'm a little confused on that... The typewriter effect still worked fine when I ran the game, though, so my question is if there's something I just overlooked or if my assumption was correct.

Re: Support for "TextMesh Pro Typewriter Effect"

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 9:09 pm
by Tony Li

Thanks for checking out the Dialogue System!

Select menu item Edit > Project Settings. In the Player section > Other Settings subsection, add this to the Scripting Define Symbols list:

Code: Select all

Then you'll be able to use TextMesh Pro with the Dialogue System.

I'll update the evaluation version to allow the Welcome Window's TMP_PRESENT checkbox to be ticked.

Re: Support for "TextMesh Pro Typewriter Effect"

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 11:29 pm
by szeora
Thank you very much!

Doing that fixed it, and now it properly shows up whenever I search for it on Add Component and everything, so the problem is solved!

Tony Li wrote:I'll update the evaluation version to allow the Welcome Window's TMP_PRESENT checkbox to be ticked.
Just as a brief note, the TMP_PRESENT was already checked when I imported the package, the only thing missing was its name in the Scripting Define Symbols list. What wasn't allowed to be checked was Super Mesh Pro, which I imagine has no connection to the problem I had, so it should be ok.

Thanks again for the quick support!

Re: Support for "TextMesh Pro Typewriter Effect"

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 8:15 am
by Tony Li
Glad to help!