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Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 1:30 am
by Wolf Dreamer ... ilder.html

I followed the instructions but it doesn't work for me. I am using Unity 2021.3.16f1 since its the latest version listed as long time stable.

I have the sign appear, I get near it and it gives me the message about bears. I talk to an NPC and click for him to tell me his story, but then nothing.

RPG Builder, AI, Dialogue System, HumanNPC references RPG Builder Demo Dialogue Database as its suppose to. If I click RPG Builder, AI, NPCs and click on HumanNPC, it has the option to checkbox DIalogue? and that then shows Dialogue Text which is "Tell me your story." That appears if I do that, but nothing when I click to select it while running the game. If I click on its subcategory of DIALOGUE I see the option for None (RPG Dialogue) and clicking on it to change that shows nothing available to click on. Am I suppose to be able to change things there as well?

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 8:52 am
by Tony Li

If you haven't done this already, in the RPG Builder window go to AI > Dialogue System. Then click on your HumanNPC -- or create a new entry for HumanNPC if the Dialogue System section doesn't already have it. From there, configure the conversation to play, and click Save.

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 10:42 am
by Wolf Dreamer
Did that, doesn't work.

When I click Save it duplicates HumanNPC so I have two of them. Does that with some other characters as well. Odd glitch.

I change something, I save it, it makes a copy with the same name, one copy has the change, the other has what it was before.

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 11:42 am
by Tony Li
That sounds like a bug in RPGB. You should have only one HumanNPC in the RPG Builder window's AI > NPCs and only one HumanNPC in AI > Dialogue System. Can you post a screenshot of your AI > Dialogue System > HumanNPC configuration? They should look similar to this:

rpgAINPCs.png (116.28 KiB) Viewed 754 times
rpgAIDialogueSystem.png (77.26 KiB) Viewed 754 times

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 11:47 am
by Wolf Dreamer
Assets>Pixel Crushers>Dialogue System>Third Party Support>RPG Builder Support>Prefabs has 6 hidden packages. I click the eye and doesn't make them visible. Anyone know how to fix this?

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 12:08 pm
by Wolf Dreamer
I created a new project, imported RPG Builder then Dialogue System, and followed the instructions once more.

RPG Builder, AI, Dialogue System, the name is blank. Anything I put in it doesn't matter, it won't save it. Clicking New or Delete does nothing either. So different bug this time around.

RPG Builder, AI, NPCs does show Bear, BearBoss, Boar, HumanNPC, Skeleton, Training Dummy.

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 12:23 pm
by Tony Li
Are there any errors or warnings in the Console window?

Did you create the "DialogueSystemNpcTemplates" folder? (Create a new, empty folder: Assets ► Blink ► Tools ► RPGBuilder ► Resources ► Database ► DialogueSystemNpcTemplates.)

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 12:47 pm
by Wolf Dreamer
That was it. Thanks. Seems to be working fine now.

Re: Do the newest versions of RPG Builder and Dialogue System work?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 12:49 pm
by Tony Li
Great! I need to bring that instruction up higher in the list on the manual page. It's too easy to miss when it's tucked right below a huge screenshot image.