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"Continue" button not shown in Dialogue with self

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:51 pm
by mroshaw
Hello again! I hope you are well!

I have set up some dialogue that the player has with themself - so, at points in the game, the player will have a thought and it will be presented via a dialogue. For example:


I'd like to have the "Continue" button shown at all times for these "internal monologue" conversations.

In the Conversation, I've checked "Override Display Settings" and "Subtitle Settings" and I have set "Continue Button" to "Always".

The Conversation is a simple two node conversation with the Player as both Actor and Conversant.

Any idea what else I'm missing?

Many thanks again!

Unity 2013.3 LTS
Dialogue System for Unity 2.2.35

Re: "Continue" button not shown in Dialogue with self

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 3:27 pm
by Tony Li

I'm guessing it's showing the player's line as a response menu button, right? If so, see: How To: Bypass Response Menu When Player Has One Choice. If you don't want to apply these settings globally for all conversations, you can set them on the conversation in the same Override Display Settings section.