Changing Subtitle Chars Per Second from within ink file
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:27 am
Hey guys, I'm trying to change the DialogueSystemControllers SubtitleCharsPerSecond, but I can't quite figure out how to do it, I'm new to both Ink and the Dialogue Systen, any help would be appreciated! Below is my Ink file
Code: Select all
VAR SomeText = ""
EXTERNAL SetIntVariable(x, y)
=== main ===
Do this test work?
* Yes
Yes it does!
~ SomeText = "You chose yes"
->SetIntVariable(CharactersPerSecond, 1)
Well you say no, but actually yes, also the plus means that this option always stays present, removing the "+" and changing it to a "*" will make it continue to last option
~ SomeText = "You chose no"
Either way your choices don't matter, it does work. I'm calling a function now that prints out the option you chose.
=== chosen ===
Now I will call a function that passes what you chose to the function
{sometext} + 1
-> END
==function SetIntVariable(x, y)==
~return 1