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can this make NPC to NPC to talk?

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:56 pm
by maruzake
can this asset make NPC to NPC to talk.
such like oblivion, or GTA 4, 5.
how could make onTriggerEnter to detect?
If they pseudo ontrigger, they can make it sound only or like you are two people talking in Bark

Re: can this make NPC to NPC to talk?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:02 am
by Tony Li

Yes to all questions.

> can this asset make NPC to NPC to talk.

Yes. Just write the conversation between two NPCs:

npcToNpcConversation.png (73.55 KiB) Viewed 199 times

> how could make onTriggerEnter to detect?

Then set the Dialogue System Trigger to OnTriggerEnter:

triggerNpcConversation.png (96.11 KiB) Viewed 199 times

> If they pseudo ontrigger, they can make it sound only or like you are two people talking in Bark

If you want sound only, inspect the conversation and select Menu > Conversation Properties. Then turn off subtitles:

noSubtitles.png (70.59 KiB) Viewed 199 times

Play voiceover audio as explained in the Cutscene Sequence Tutorials. A quick way to get it working is to put your voiceover audio files in a folder named Resources. Then drag each audio file into the corresponding dialogue entry node's Sequence field.

If you instead want to show bubble text above characters' heads, do not turn off subtitles. See this: How To: Show Overhead Conversation Bubble Text

Re: can this make NPC to NPC to talk?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:28 pm
by maruzake
oh very thanks.
I will try it

Re: can this make NPC to NPC to talk?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 8:54 pm
by Tony Li
Glad to help!