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Remove Demo intro text/menu?

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:13 am
by KristianS
Hello again, now I am confused again about something that probably will end up having an easy solution. :?: :?

I have used the Letterbox template in a unity scene (scene A) and made some modifications to it. Then I saved the modified Letterbox template as a new prefab so I could add it to other scenes (I assumed this would be the best way to go about saving my modified UI). However when I ad the this UI template I made to Dialogue Manager a new scene (scene B) I get the Dialogue System Demo intro text showing at the start and I also get the demo scene menu showing up on top of my Adventure Creator menu when I click esc. 

This only happens in scene B, also if I start my game and move from scene A to B i dont get this issue either. Only when I start from scene B does this happen. Is there some setting where I can turn the demo text and menu off? I don't understand why it is showing up. Thanks for any help on understanding this issue.

Re: Remove Demo intro text/menu?

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:46 am
by Tony Li

You've probably used the Dialogue Manager prefab that's in the Demo folder. This is a prefab variant of the original prefab that's in the Prefabs folder. The Demo's prefab variant adds a child GameObject named DemoMenu. You can remove this child GameObject from your own prefab. Also check the components on the Dialogue Manager GameObject itself to make sure it has the components you want.

Once you get this Dialogue Manager configured the way you want, I recommend saving it as a new prefab. Then add your new prefab to add scenes in place of any older Dialogue Managers. This way you'll get consistent Dialogue System behavior regardless of which scene you start in.