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Continuing conversation after pressing resume button on pause

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:59 pm
by IKiea
Hi, I'm still relatively new at this, but I have been having trouble after hitting the pause button(esc) and then pressing resume button that my conversations don't continue at all.

Re: Continuing conversation after pressing resume button on pause

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 4:00 pm
by Tony Li

What are you using to pause the game? Are you using the Dialogue System's Menu Framework addon? If so, here's how I configured it in a test:

In the Start scene:
  • On the Menu System GameObject's Pause component, UNticked Block During Conversations.
  • On the Dialogue Manager GameObject:
    • Set Display Settings > Input Settings > Cancel Subtitle Input and Cancel Conversation Input > Key to None.
    • Set Other Settings > Dialogue Time Mode to Gameplay so it will observe pausing when setting Time Scale to 0.
Then I played the Start scene, started gameplay, and talked to Private Hart. While Private Hart was saying his line, I pressed Esc to open the pause menu. The conversation paused. Then I pressed Esc again to close the pause menu, and the conversation resumed.