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Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:36 am
by lupiyo

Thanks for replaying my last question, but this is a new topic, so i created a new one.

I'm trying to link my inventory system to the quest items. following the tutorial it was not so clear for me what I have to do. I saw in other topics that you sugested to create a variable in te database, but I even could find where I can create It.

My idea is to put an IF in my script to call a function from Dialog System that updates the counter, but for this there are few points:
1- How the system will know if the items is correct?
2- How the system counts it?

The example with crates was ver far away from what I have here. My inventory is home made (lol) i used 2 vectors of int (item ID / quantity) to store them by index. Do you have any tutorial or examples to handle this, please?


Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 1:23 pm
by Tony Li

I recommend writing a C# method. Given an item ID, return the quantity. Example:

Code: Select all

public double GetItemQuantity(double itemID)
    return Inventory[(int)itemID];
Then register the method with Lua. Example:

Code: Select all

void OnEnable() 
    Lua.RegisterFunction(nameof(GetItemQuantity), this, SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo(() => GetItemQuantity(0)));
and add an entry in a Custom Lua Function Info asset.

Finally check the method in your conversation. Example dialogue entry:
  • Description: Show this node if player has fewer than 3 bananas (item ID 42).
  • Dialogue Text: "Sorry, you don't have enough bananas."
  • Conditions: GetItemQuantity(42) < 3
You can also use the [lua(code)] markup tag in quest text and dialogue text:
  • Quest > Entry 1: "[lua(GetItemQuantity(42))] / 3 Bananas Collected"
More details:

Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:33 pm
by lupiyo
Hello, thank you for the fast reply!

I did what you seggested (or tried to) but nothing hapens. At least i get some errors.
Everything is attached.


Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:34 pm
by lupiyo
There are 2 prints almost indentical, just the condition changes and this is a doubt that i have, which sintax is correct, please?

Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:52 pm
by Tony Li

The first syntax is correct for the Conditions field. (But see important note below about function name.)

The other syntax -- [lua(code)] -- should only be used in text such as Entry 1 or Dialogue Text.

Please make sure to read the online manual section and/or watch the video. Your method should use "double" number types, not "int". In the example I posted above, the method uses double and casts it to (int) in the C# code.

Also make sure you've added your script to the scene. (See the video tutorial for important details.)

Also note that Lua.RegisterFunction() registers the function under a specific name. In your code, you're defining a function "GetQtdByID" available to Lua. But in your Conditions field you're trying to check "GetQuantityByID" which is not registered. Try changing your Conditions to:

Code: Select all

GetQtdByID(13) >= 2
Then temporarily set the Dialogue Manager's Other Settings > Debug Level to Info. When you play, look in the Console for a line like:

Dialogue System: Registering Lua function GetQtdByID

If you see this line, the Lua function has been unregistered and is no longer available to Conditions:

Dialogue system: Unregistering Lua function GetQtdByID

Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:56 pm
by lupiyo
Many thanks! Sorry if my questions are very simple hahah, but I figured out that I could change drom double to int whenever i wanted. But everything is working now, thank you!!

I have another problem, on the crate example you put the "update" in a Dialog system trigger on the crate, and add the increment on action On Use. The thing is, I have 2 kind of drops, one that goes directly to my inventory (array) and the other that drop on the ground and then i pick it. The On Use cover these cases?
Everytime i pick the item, the quest counter on screen doesnt changes, but I can deliver! It reaches the condition to deliver.

I didn't have the opportunite (or time) to see quests that kill X number of monsters, but I think that it is a matter of understand all these triggers right?

Thank you!!

Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:03 pm
by Tony Li
If you have a C# method that changes the inventory amount, add this line of code to it:

Code: Select all

This will update the quest UIs.

Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:25 pm
by lupiyo
Thanks! Work perfect.

Re: Custom inventory and quest items count

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:43 pm
by Tony Li
Great! Glad to help.