Extend subtitle tmp when narrator is speaking

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Extend subtitle tmp when narrator is speaking

Post by pschroed »


so I exactly set up my dialgue system like it was showed in tutorial 2.

My issue is, that I want the text to extend to the left when the narrator is speaking and there is no portrait. It looks strange otherwise.

I also don't want a name to show up when the 'narrator' is speaking.

Currently I have an actor called 'narrator' without a portrait for this purpose. But the name is unfortunately still showing up.

I created a second subtitle panel where I removed the portrait and extended the subtitle text to the left, but how do I set it up that only the 'narrator' uses this second panel?

How can I modify my dialoguesystem accordingly?

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Tony Li
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Re: Extend subtitle tmp when narrator is speaking

Post by Tony Li »


Make sure you've assigned your new subtitle panel to the dialogue UI's Subtitle Panels list. Make a note of its Element number in the list. This is its panel number.

If your Narrator actor doesn't already have a GameObject, create an empty GameObject for it. (You can make it a child of the Dialogue Manager if you want to keep it across scene changes.)

Add a Dialogue Actor component, select the Narrator actor, and set Dialogue UI Settings > Subtitle Panel Number to the subtitle panel's panel number.
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Re: Extend subtitle tmp when narrator is speaking

Post by pschroed »

Thanks it worked so far.

But now the problem is that the other subtitle panel, which is used by another actor saying something before the narrator starts, is still visible with its actor portrait and text.

So the new panel gets basically put over the older one which is still visible.

Any idea how to correct that?

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Tony Li
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Re: Extend subtitle tmp when narrator is speaking

Post by Tony Li »


Set the subtitle panels' Visibility dropdowns to Until Superceded.
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Re: Extend subtitle tmp when narrator is speaking

Post by pschroed »

Thanks it worked.

But I had also to create game objects for the other actors and assign them the original panel.
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Tony Li
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Re: Extend subtitle tmp when narrator is speaking

Post by Tony Li »

If an actor doesn't have a GameObject with a Dialogue Actor component, or if its Dialogue Actor's Dialogue UI Settings > Subtitle Panel Number is set to Default, it will use the default subtitle panel assigned to the Standard Dialogue UI component's Conversation UI Elements > Default NPC Subtitle Panel or Default PC Subtitle Panel (depending on whether it's an NPC or player).
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