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A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:41 pm
by hrohibil
Hello Tony

A couple of questions

I am creating a custom FPS game. Now i want to start implementing the dialouge system.

See picture below, i have created first conversation. The scene starts with the conversation going on. I added a dialouge system trigger to my companion AI and set it the trigger to ON START.

Although i have a long text on the NPC first node, for some reason when i start scene, it skips very fast through first node, so player don't have time to read it?? Can i either set a longer reading or even click to go to next node?

How do i freeze my player during the conversation as the FPS camera move all around with moving the mouse? But not freeze rest of game?

During the gameplay I dont want to see the mouse pointer, i already had a script for this.. How can i achieve this here?

Thank you sir...

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:40 pm
by Tony Li

> 1: See picture below, i have created first conversation. The scene starts with the conversation going on. I added a dialouge system trigger to my companion AI and set it the trigger to ON START.
> Although i have a long text on the NPC first node, for some reason when i start scene, it skips very fast through first node, so player don't have time to read it?? Can i either set a longer reading or even click to go to next node?

Check the Sequence. The subtitle will stay onscreen for the duration of the Sequence -- or, if you've set the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Display Settings > Subtitle Settings > Continue Button to a mode such as Always, it will wait until the player clicks the continue button. More info: Sequences.

> 2: How do i freeze my player during the conversation as the FPS camera move all around with moving the mouse? But not freeze rest of game?

See Interaction Tutorial

> 3: During the gameplay I dont want to see the mouse pointer, i already had a script for this.. How can i achieve this here?

Inspect the Dialogue Manager's Input Device Manager component. Untick Control Cursor State. If you want the cursor to appear during conversations, tick the Dialogue System Trigger's Show Cursor During Conversation.

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:21 am
by hrohibil
Hello Tony

Thank you for reply.

Please see picture below

I inspect the sequence as you said, it is empty, i clicked the + sign and added a Delay{{{end}}}. It did nothing.
In the dialouge manager under subtitle settings i found "Minimum subtitle seconds" this helped a bit, but not dynamic as i will have various conversation length.

Furthermore I unticked the "Control Cursor State", but then i cant click on the player response text?

Lastly I amusing the awesome Letterbox Template. Really cool :D
I want when the mouse issue is solved to auto close it when the last response is clicked on.
Right now (BEFORE I UNTICKED THE CONTROL CURSOR STATE), after i clicked the player response, i was left with the black lettterbox bars. I had to press the ESCAPE button to close down the letterbox UO and continue game. I would like it to auto close..

Thank you Tony

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 5:03 pm
by hrohibil
Still stuck with previous post :roll:
Appreciate your support Tony

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:42 pm
by Tony Li

Inspect the Dialogue Manager GameObject. What is the value of Display Settings > Subtitle Settings > Subtitle Chars Per Second? Try setting it to a value such as 30.

What is the value of the Continue Button dropdown?

For the cursor issue, did you tick the Dialogue System Trigger's Actions > Start Conversation > Show Cursor On Conversation checkbox?

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 3:14 am
by hrohibil
Hello Tony

Thank you for reply.

See pic # 01 below, the Subtile Chars per sec is set to 30, I changed the Min subtile to 7. It helps for this case, but what later if i have much longer or very short conversation? How can i setup so by pressing enter key then it goes to next node?

See pic # 02 below, Indeed checking the show cursor during conversation enables the cursor. BUT... for some reason i cant use it? It does nothing when clicking on the player response? Please advice..
My end goal here is that when clicking on that either with the mouse or by pressing ENTER key then the conveastion endsas this is the last response, meaning I also want the letterbox UI to wrap up.

As it is now, i have to press the ESCAPE key..

Thank you Tony

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:01 am
by Tony Li
> See pic # 01 below, the Subtile Chars per sec is set to 30, I changed the Min subtile to 7. It helps for this case, but what later if i have much longer or very short conversation? How can i setup so by pressing enter key then it goes to next node?

Set the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Continue Button dropdown to Always. Tick the Input Device Manager's component's Always Auto Focus checkbox.

Make sure your dialogue UI has a continue button. All of the starter prefabs that ship with the Dialogue System, including Letterbox, have continue buttons.

> See pic # 02 below, Indeed checking the show cursor during conversation enables the cursor. BUT... for some reason i cant use it? It does nothing when clicking on the player response? Please advice..
My end goal here is that when clicking on that either with the mouse or by pressing ENTER key then the conveastion endsas this is the last response, meaning I also want the letterbox UI to wrap up.

Make sure your scene has an EventSystem, and that the dialogue UI canvas has a GraphicRaycaster.

During play, keep an inspector view on the EventSystem. It will show the current selection. If you click on a button, the bottom of the inspector should show the name of the button.

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:25 pm
by hrohibil
Ok have eventsystem.

When hovering the mouse over the text then in the inspect it says false on eligibleforclick.

Yes i also clicked the replace with insputsystem. Same result

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:51 pm
by Tony Li
Look above that. Since you've switched to the Input System package, there's a big red error saying you need to Replace With InputSystemUIInputModule.

Re: A few questions. Been a while

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:16 pm
by hrohibil
Hello Tony

But look at my last sentence from last post, i wrote "Yes i also clicked the replace with insputsystem. Same result"
Sorry if i was not clear enough.

See below image. I still get same result. My mouse does not do anything. I have to click the "Escape" key in order to close down the letterbox UI and continue.