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Export only the nodes that contain dialogue text

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:11 am
by dkirwan

I am wondering if there is a way to only export the nodes in the dialogue system that contain some dialogue text?

We use the dialogue system for our cinematics and controlling other things and only want to localise the nodes that contain the dialogue. Currently exporting will show us all the nodes in each conversation. But we only need the nodes with dialogue text.

Or if removing the blank nodes from the exported sheet and then re-importing without the blank nodes will break the dialogue?

Kind regards,
Daniel Kirwan

Re: Export only the nodes that contain dialogue text

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:18 am
by Tony Li

Which export are you using? The Dialogue Editor window's Database section > Localization Export/Import? If so, you can delete empty nodes from the CSV file. When you reimport the CSV back into the Dialogue System, it will only update the nodes that are still in the CSV, leaving the other nodes untouched.

Re: Export only the nodes that contain dialogue text

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:30 am
by dkirwan

yes we're using the export option at the bottom of the localization export/import part of the dialogue system.

I did try deleting the whole row in the CSV file and got errors when importing back, please see attachment.

We will try just deleting the text and not the row and see if that helps when re-importing.

Kind regards.

Re: Export only the nodes that contain dialogue text

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:17 am
by Tony Li
Would it be possible for you to back up your project, make sure the backup is good, and then update to the current Dialogue System version? Then try the import again. If you're currently on a very old version, you may need to re-export first if the CSV format has changed. There was a small change quite a while ago to support custom ID fields.

Re: Export only the nodes that contain dialogue text

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:27 am
by dkirwan
Hi there,

we're current using version 2.2.32 which I believe is 2 behind the latest.

Could it be this version that doesn't have custom ID fields?

If it is this version we will try updating the dialogue system and get back with any updates.

Kind regards

Re: Export only the nodes that contain dialogue text

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:53 am
by Tony Li
Custom fields were added in version 2.2.26, a year ago. The error message indicates that some dialogue entries in the CSV file -- such as conversation ID 2, dialogue entry ID 9 -- are no longer in the database. So the import process doesn't know what to do with the translation since it can't find an entry in the database to assign the translation to. It's possible that someone deleted this conversation from the database, in which case you can ignore the message. The next time you export to CSV, the CSV file won't have those rows since they're no longer in the database.