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Multiple responses with scrollbar not starting from the top

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:28 pm
by Nonungus

I've been trying to get this setup working using the Basic Standard Dialogue UI as reference (not modifying it directly). Response buttons are templates so they're auto-created and I got the scrollbar enabler working. Everything ok.

In this setup the responses build up from the bottom, so they're always attached to the dialogue box, but the "main" response is always on top of the list (Response 1). However, if the list is big enough to enable the scrollbar, it doesn't start from the top where Response 1 is.
dialoguesetup01.png (36.28 KiB) Viewed 169 times
dialoguesetup02.png (45.49 KiB) Viewed 169 times
Is there any way to make it work from the Dialogue System options or Unity UI components? Or does this need coding?

Thanks in advance! :)

Re: Multiple responses with scrollbar not starting from the top

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:33 am
by Tony Li

Here's a patch for that:


Make sure your response menu panel's StandardUIMenuPanel component > OnContentChanged() event calls ScrollbarEnabler.CheckScrollbar.

Re: Multiple responses with scrollbar not starting from the top

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:29 am
by Nonungus
Works like a charm, thanks a lot! :)

Re: Multiple responses with scrollbar not starting from the top

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:17 am
by Tony Li
Glad to help!