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Dialogue System Items, different types

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:36 am
by Volandpro
I am new here:)

Is it possible to use Dialogue System Items for creating different types of items, for example Weapon, Armor, Usable Items and so on? Also Is it possible to make my own Inventory system work with Dialogue System Items?

Thank you!

Re: Dialogue System Items, different types

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:41 am
by Tony Li

Yes, you can use your own inventory system. In fact, that's recommended, since the Items table in your dialogue database is just a set of fields and not a real inventory system. Typically you'll write some C# methods to work with your inventory, such as AddItem(), RemoveItem(), GetItemCount(), etc. Then register them with Lua so you can use those methods in your conversations. This is how the existing inventory system integrations work, such as for Ultimate Inventory System, Inventory Engine, etc.