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'Always on' response menu?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:30 am
by timbecile
Hi Tony,

is there a way to have the response menu (and the responses) always display? I'm trying to do a Might and Magic 6 sort of dialog where the NPC's text takes up most of the screen, and then the player chooses topics from a sidebar(using the response menu).

I'm planning my NPCs to only have a few topics and no branching, so I would want the same topics on screen at all times.

Re: 'Always on' response menu?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:44 pm
by Tony Li

Remove the Animators from your dialogue UI's Dialogue Panel and Response Menu Panel.

Tick the StandardDialogueUI component's Conversation UI Elements > Don't Deactivate Main Panel, and untick Wait For Close. This will keep the main dialogue panel open, but each subtitle panel or menu panel inside the main dialogue panel will control its own active/inactive state.

Next, add an interior panel to your response menu panel that will hold your response UI buttons. Assign this to the StandardUIMenuPanel's Panel field, and also to the Button Template Holder if Button Template Holder currently points to the main response menu panel GameObject. This will hide the response buttons when the player clicks on. Untick Deactivate On Hidden. This will prevent the main response menu panel from deactivating.

Re: 'Always on' response menu?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 5:20 pm
by timbecile
Thanks Tony! it mostly works...except that when the dialog ends it still stays up. should I be using something like {{end}} or anything?

Re: 'Always on' response menu?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 7:30 pm
by Tony Li
My misunderstanding; I thought you wanted it to stay visible always. If you want it to disappear when the conversation end, UNtick Don't Deactivate Main Panel again.