My DialogueManager prefab is a singleton. Let's say the default panel ID of Minji was NPC (say, ID is 2), would it reset to panel ID 2 when the prior conversion which set Minji's panel ID to be 11 is done?
If there is a GameObject with a Dialogue Actor component set to Minji, SetPanel(Minji, 11) will also set the Dialogue Actor's Subtitle Panel Number, in addition to using panel ID 11 during the conversation. When you start the next conversation, since the Dialogue Actor is set to panel ID 11, it will use panel ID 11.
If there is no GameObject with a Dialogue Actor component set to Minji, SetPanel(Minji, 11) will only use panel ID 11 during the conversation. When the conversation ends, the Dialogue System will forget the SetPanel() and reset the panel ID to 2.