Minor issue with continue button
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:44 pm
Hello I have a small issue with the way my dialogue ui and I'm hoping you can give me some ideas of what the issue might be. My dialogue UI has a show animation and a typewriter effect with a continue button. When the continue button is pressed the typewriter effect finishes immediately and on the next click the dialogue will continue to the next node. I've noticed that if I click during the show animation for the dialogue box the typewriter effect and text can be skipped completely and the dialogue continues to the next node. Is there any way to disable my continue button (which in my case is an invisible button the size of the entire screen) until the show animation is completed? I noticed there are event hooks for the 'close' and 'closed' but only one event hook for 'open' - 'opened' is missing. Basically what I think is happening is when the continue button is pressed while the showing animation is playing, the typewriter effect is not playing and therefore the continue button goes directly to the next node. I'm wondering if there is any built in solution to this issue? Thank you for taking the time.