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Questions from Shavon

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 9:24 pm
by Tony Li
User Shavon asked:
What if the conversant is no one(for awhile)? For example I would want to write it like this: You walk down the street. Do you turn left or right? Button:Right Button:Left And from there depending if you go left or right the scene/room/location changes. How to I make the buttons, and how does it continue? Does it continue by adding a new scene, but then is it a entire new conversation I would create afterwards? You went right and ended up at the park. You sit next to a guy who has a cane feeding the birds. “Hello there.” The old man says. Like how to do that.
In this case, you can still use an "NPC" actor. Here's an example scene:


The conversation is structured like this*:

shavon3.png (21.9 KiB) Viewed 492 times

The example doesn't load a new scene, but in your project you would use the LoadLevel() sequencer command to load a new scene. More info: Cutscene Sequence Tutorials.
Also I want this in Visual novel, but I’m not sure how to edit the visual novel template that is in assets not using the standard dialogue. The steps in order I dragged everything: Main Camera Dialogue Manager(using the conversation in quick start) Canvas Background(Ui-panel) VN Template Standard Dialogue(dragged from assets) Event System -I know something there must be wrong, I can’t seem to get add text to the VN template because when hit play it’s using the standard dialogue from quick start’s Dialogue Manager. I like using the node from the quick start to keep track of the branching choices how to add that to VN format. Feel free to provide a forum post with screenshots im a visual learner so I need to see the steps and layout. Thank you for your time.
Drag the VN Template Standard Dialogue UI prefab into the Dialogue Manager's Dialogue UI field. This will ask if you want to Add Instance or Use Prefab:

shavon1.png (109.3 KiB) Viewed 492 times

In the example scene, I clicked Add Instance. This put a copy in the scene as a child of the Dialogue Manager's Canvas:

shavon2.png (50.54 KiB) Viewed 492 times
How to create mobile stats game with the Dialogue System? Go to school: Variable AtSchool true
How to have it increase grades stats?
Want it 2d and for the Background to be a simple image so Canvas, Background import image?
How to have a education section (like a group) and if you complete a school like in 4 years how to have it show up in education history. Thank you for your time.
*The conversation in the example is longer than the screenshot above. Choose the "Right" option.

The next node sets a variable AtSchool true:

shavon4.png (36.96 KiB) Viewed 492 times

More info: Conversation Conditions

The node after that activates a background image:

shavon5.png (33.05 KiB) Viewed 492 times

This should cover most of what you're looking for. I encourage you to follow the tutorials to get familiar with the Dialogue System. After that, if you have any questions, please feel free to reply here.

Re: Questions from Shavon

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 11:53 am
by StrawberryFields3439
Thank you for the quick response. I just created an account on here. The second question of a mobile 2d stats would not use the visual novel template and is a separate project from the first question.
A button called Education click on education and you see within
Current Education:
  • School Name
Other Education
  • Another School Name
  • Another School Name
Then the game to recognize how long the player has been in that school(in this case four years to complete it). I feel like maybe that's a script or UI thing? I would want Education placed at bottom of screen.

Re: Questions from Shavon

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 12:44 pm
by Tony Li

I think that is outside the scope of the Dialogue System. It's not a conversation or bark.

You might be able to use an asset such as Smart UI Forms. I haven't used Smart UI Forms, but it looks like it might be helpful for what you describe.

If you want to implement it from scratch, I recommend the Unity UI tutorial on