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Timeline doesn't play from sequencer

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:31 am
by drorco
Hey there,

In the last conversation node of a conversation I'm activating a specific timeline using this command:

Code: Select all

required Timeline(play,WandaLabIntro)@Message(WaitForever) 
Unfortunately, this doesn't really activate the timeline, instead all I'm seeing is a quick flicker, and it's as if nothing happens.
When I set the DialogueManager debug level to info, I do see this log showing up:

Code: Select all

Dialogue System: Sequencer: Timeline(play,WandaLabIntro)
The timeline does involve moving a character, and transforming a camera (it's all 2d if that matters).

What's interesting, is that if I use the "On Execute" scene event for that specific node, and with it I activate the PlayableDirector's Play function, the timeline is working correctly. The problem with that, is that the timeline then plays before the conversation actually ends, unlike what's supposed to happen with the sequence command.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Re: Timeline doesn't play from sequencer

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 11:13 am
by Tony Li

Use the Timeline() command's nowait and nostop keywords:

Code: Select all

required Timeline(play, WandaLabIntro, nowait, nostop)@Message(WaitForever)
  • nowait: Tells the dialogue entry not to wait until the timeline has finished.
  • nostop: Tells the conversation not to kill the timeline when the dialogue entry ends.