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How to control SpineObject with Sequencecommend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 1:10 am
by 2gold
Hello, Tony!
Thanks to your support, we are still making games.

We changed the way the animation of the project's character avatar works from Animator to Spine.
So far, I've used the "AnimatorPlay(clip)" command to hide UI and control character avatar animation during conversations, but is there a sequence command that can control Spine in the same way?
Sorry if it's a duplicate question! I found the contents of the portrait of the character. However, I couldn't find anything about the character Object.

0a033066-61b6-4c1d-bde2-f0ee57985aaf.png (40.4 KiB) Viewed 657 times

Re: How to control SpineObject with Sequencecommend

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:38 am
by Tony Li

If you're using Spine SkeletonAnimation, you can use the SpineAnimation() sequencer command. To use this command, you must add a Spine Sequencer References component to the character. Then assign the SkeletonAnimation and a list of AnimationReferenceAssets.

Re: How to control SpineObject with Sequencecommend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:27 am
by 2gold
I set it up according to the manual and wrote down the command SpineAnimation (AniName, Player,0,0), but it didn't work properly.

I checked and found that the Sequencer command did not work by referring to the Player overlaid in the Dialogue Actor script, not the Player with Object!

It's working fine now!
Thank you always for your help!

Re: How to control SpineObject with Sequencecommend

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:44 am
by Tony Li

Yes, it'll always prefer to look up by Dialogue Actor rather than GameObject name.

I'm glad you got it working! :-)