Need help making cutscenes

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Need help making cutscenes

Post by krockhunter »

Hey guys, I am have ran into some trouble trying to create cutscenes with dialogue and everything in it and I was hoping someone would be able to help me work this whole thing out.
I ran into this problem about a month ago, took some time off and now I am getting back into it.

I know the basics of using Timeline manager and everything to create animations, moving objects positions and playing animations. What I am having trouble with is having dialogue and animations happening at the same time, or, having dialogue happen, then an animation occur depending on the chosen dialogue, and then more dialogue. Similar to the cutscenes in RPG Maker.

I tried following the tutorial but I just can't seem to figure it out.
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Tony Li
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Re: Need help making cutscenes

Post by Tony Li »


There are (at least) two ways to make cutscenes in the Dialogue System: using sequencer commands, or using Timeline (or a similar asset such as SLATE).

If you want to use sequencer commands, see Cutscene Sequences Tutorials.

If you want to use Timeline, there are two general approaches:

1. Run a Dialogue System conversation. Within an individual node of a conversation, use the Timeline() sequencer command to run a timeline that's specific to that node. In this approach, the conversation controls the pacing, although individual nodes' timelines can control the pacing of the node.

2. Or run a timeline that uses Start Conversation and Continue Conversation clips. In this approach, the timeline controls the pacing. To set this up, configure the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Continue Button to Always, or set the same on the conversation's properties if you don't want it to be the global setting.
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