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Dialogue On Use skipping nodes

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:30 am
by GreenConure

Thank you again for your help last time. I'm currently running into another issue where a dialogue system trigger set to On Use is skipping dialogue nodes in a conversation. I'm using this with Corgi Engine's Conversation Zone. What's currently happening is that the character can interact with the Conversation Zone, it brings up the Dialogue UI correctly, however it skips the first 2-3 dialogue nodes and after finishing the conversation, the Dialogue UI closes by itself without waiting for the User to press the continue button.

For clarification, not all conversations have this issue, a lot work quite well, so it's a been a bit difficult to see what is causing the issue as they all have the same configuration. (2D Box Collider, DS Trigger, Conversation Zone). When I put the DS trigger to on Trigger Enter, the conversations work fine, it's only on Use that this issue happens as well.

I'm not specifying the Starting Entry and there are no lua/quest conditions required for these dialogue nodes as well. I'd love to know what you might think could be causing this problem whenever you can.

If there's any other information you need from me, let me know.
Really appreciate it!

Re: Dialogue On Use skipping nodes

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:15 pm
by Tony Li

If you're using the SetContinueMode() sequencer command in your dialogue nodes' Sequences, that could affect how continue buttons are used.

If you're using the Continue() sequencer command, that acts the same as if the player clicked the continue button.

You can also override how continue button are used on a per-conversation basis by inspecting the conversation's properties and ticking Override Display Settings. You may want to check that the problematic conversations aren't turning off continue button mode this way.

If continue button mode is off, a node will only stay onscreen for the duration of its Sequence. Many sequencer commands run and finish immediately. For example, this Sequence will finish immediately and then immediately progress to the next node:
  • Dialogue Text: "Blah blah blah... This text won't appear because the Sequence ends immediately."
  • Sequence: Zoom2D(speaker)
Note: If a node's Sequence is blank, it will use the Dialogue Manager's Default Sequence.

Re: Dialogue On Use skipping nodes

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:08 am
by GreenConure
Hello! Thank you for the quick response!

I'm not using any of those sequencer commands in my dialogue nodes and the default sequence is set to Delay({{end}});
Ticking override display settings and setting continue button to always and ticking play PC subtitles during line and after response menu fixed it perfectly! Though these are the same settings in my Dialogue Manager so I wonder what could be causing the problem.

Really appreciate your help as always!

Re: Dialogue On Use skipping nodes

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:40 am
by Tony Li

Hmm, if those are the same settings as on your Dialogue Manager, maybe an Override Display Settings component was getting involved somehow, or maybe the wrong Dialogue Manager was being used. If the problem persists or recurs, let me know. We can look into it further.