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Plygame Integration Tutorial Request

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:21 pm
by rynerlute
Hello first off I love what you guys have done with this system I am just wondering if you wouldn't mind making a tutorial on how to integrate Dialogue System into plygame (I just bought Dialogue system today so not too used to it yet) I have already made my project using Plygame and got most systems done except dialogue & needed to add some functions that you already have.

I also looked through documentation and it says something about character switching? Would that work in plygame as well and if so how would you do it? Sorry for asking so much and thanks for the help in advance. I will try it on my own but I will check back here periodically to see if my questions are answered here before I figure it out.

Plygame Integration Tutorial Request

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:46 am
by Tony Li

I'm working on video tutorials for plyGame, SALSA, and the new Unity UI. I hope to get them out by the end of the week.

What kind of character switching are you interested in doing? I'm not sure exactly which part of the documentation you're referring to.

Plygame Integration Tutorial Request

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:16 pm
by rynerlute
Thanks for letting me know!

In plygame I got a npc to follow me around using blox and I was hoping for switching the playable characters on button press. Like in Dragon Age origins. I have asked around on plygames forums but didn't really receive any nice support over there on how to go about doing that via blox. So when I was reading the documentation and saw that your system has character switching I thought that would be really neat and solves my problem. that is a screenshot from the documentation.

Plygame Integration Tutorial Request

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:31 am
by Tony Li
That recipe describes how to use a conversation to select characters and enable/disable their player control scripts.

To use plyBlox on a button press, try this:

1. Add player controllers and NPC controllers to the character. Disable one or the other. For example, keep the player controllers active on the main PC, and keep the NPC controllers active on Morrigan, Alistair, etc.

2. When your block sees the button press, use blocks to disable the player controllers on the currently-active player and enable the NPC controllers. On the new player-controlled character, disable the NPC controllers and enable the player controllers.

Plygame Integration Tutorial Request

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:30 am
by Tony Li
The Dialogue System / plyGame Integration tutorial is online:

plyGame Integration Tutorial

(It covers the basics of integrating the Dialogue System into plyGame, but it doesn't cover switching player characters.)

Plygame Integration Tutorial Request

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:08 am
by rynerlute
Thanks a lot for all the support A+++