How to use Text Mesh Pro in Subtitles Text?
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:41 am
Hi, I am having an issue with the typewriter effect gone whenever I use the Text Mesh Pro component in Subtitle Text under Text Panel.
Initially, the normal Text component I deleted first, and then I add a new component (TextMeshPro - Text (UI)), when I test out, the typewriting effect is gone and changed to display the whole line straight away instead.
I have tried to put the Subtitles Text game object which is the TextMeshPro component inside, into each of Subtitle Panel 0,1,2 under component Standard UI Subtitle Panel. But nothing changed, the effect was just simply gone after I deleted the Text component and add TextMeshPro - Text(UI).
I have tried for Response Text and it works but not for Subtitles Text, Is it because the Unity UI Typewriter Effect script component broke after I deleted the Text component? or is there any way to solve this problem? or is it possible to use TextMeshPro for Subtitles Text? Please help
Initially, the normal Text component I deleted first, and then I add a new component (TextMeshPro - Text (UI)), when I test out, the typewriting effect is gone and changed to display the whole line straight away instead.
I have tried to put the Subtitles Text game object which is the TextMeshPro component inside, into each of Subtitle Panel 0,1,2 under component Standard UI Subtitle Panel. But nothing changed, the effect was just simply gone after I deleted the Text component and add TextMeshPro - Text(UI).
I have tried for Response Text and it works but not for Subtitles Text, Is it because the Unity UI Typewriter Effect script component broke after I deleted the Text component? or is there any way to solve this problem? or is it possible to use TextMeshPro for Subtitles Text? Please help