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How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 4:10 am
by crusenho
Hi I am a beginner in Dialogue System, I have watched the "Dialogue System for Unity 2.x Standard Dialogue UI" from Pixel Brushers Youtube Channel, and I am confused and lost. [

I want to use the "VN Template Standard Dialogue UI" Template, and I want to change the default portrait image, dialogue UI design, and button into my own art design. How do you change them in a correct way?

I have tried myself by uploading my art into the Subtitle Panel 0 and 1 portrait image component and nothing shows.

Please help I am still learning, I hope if someone can show me how to do it?

On my screenshot shown on (70), the problem is it doesn't show the image in preview play even though I have put my image in the slot component Portrait image under subtitle panel.

On my screenshot shown on (71), for example, that's the image I want to show and I have put them in the slot. When I play the preview they just disappear by themself.

Re: How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:13 am
by Tony Li
crusenho wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 4:10 amI want to use the "VN Template Standard Dialogue UI" Template, and I want to change the default portrait image, dialogue UI design, and button into my own art design. How do you change them in a correct way?
You can use an instance of the dialogue UI in your scene, or you can make a copy of the prefab and edit the copy of the prefab. I will describe how to use an instance of the dialogue UI in your scene:

1. Unassign the Dialogue Manager's Display Settings > Dialogue UI field.

2. Assign the VN Template Standard Dialogue UI prefab to the Dialogue UI field. When the popup window appears, click "Add Instance". This will add an instance to the Dialogue Manager's Canvas in your scene.

3. Assign your own images to the Text Panel, Continue Button, and other Image components -- except the Portrait Images. Do not change the Portrait Images. The Dialogue System will automatically change them for you at runtime.

Assign portrait images to each actor in the Dialogue Editor window's Actors section.


To wait for a continue button click, change the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Continue Button dropdown to Always.


To change the typewriter speed, inspect the dialogue UI's Subtitle Text GameObject. Change Characters Per Second. Make sure the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Subtitle Chars Per Second is not higher than the typewriter's Characters Per Second.


If you want the player to automatically show its text instead of a response menu button when the player only has one option:

1. Tick the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Show PC Subtitles During Line.

2. UNtick Input Settings > Always Force Response Menu.

Re: How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:07 am
by crusenho
To change the typewriter speed, inspect the dialogue UI's Subtitle Text GameObject. Change Characters Per Second. Make sure the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Settings > Subtitle Chars Per Second is not higher than the typewriter's Characters Per Second.
Thank you so much for replying to my issue, it saves me from struggling here and there.

And one more thing, how to proceed to the next line without having a dedicated continue button but with a specific key? like for example, with only a mouse left click can continue the next line or speed up the current line text display?

Re: How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:36 am
by Tony Li

You will still use the continue button. But make it invisible, and make it cover the whole screen. To do this:

1. Remove the continue button's Text child GameObject.

2. Set the continue button's Image > Color > alpha value to zero.

3. Move the continue button in the hierarchy to be a direct child of the Dialogue Panel to make it easier to resize. Configure it to cover the whole screen:

invisibleContinueButton.png (64.29 KiB) Viewed 1810 times

Re: How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:20 pm
by crusenho
Hi, thanks for the advice, what if I want to press a key to continue for example "Space Bar" or "X" on the gamepad. So instead of pressing the continue button with a mouse pointer, how to press a certain key so it can continue to the next line? because if it is not possible, how it's going to be played in a gamepad mode because there is no mouse pointer to hover to that continue button.

Re: How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 2:09 pm
by Tony Li

If the Dialogue System detects that you are using a gamepad, it will auto-focus (select) the continue button.

If you want to always auto focus the appropriate UI button, tick the Dialogue Manager GameObject's Input Device Manager component > Always Auto Focus.

When the continue button is focused (selected), pressing the EventSystem's "Submit" input will click the button. By default, the "Submit" input is mapped to joystick button 0 (the 'X' button on a PlayStation controller or the 'A' button on an Xbox controller) and the keys Space, Enter, and Return.

Re: How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:20 am
by crusenho
Hi Tony,

Thank you so much for your help and for always replying to my questions, I have finally solved what I am looking for and what needed to be done.....and have a nice day :D

Re: How to change/swap the default template design into our own art?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:45 am
by Tony Li
Happy to help!