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Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 9:18 am
by hrohibil

I added the transition component but how should it work?

When loading the game I don’t see any change??
I need the fade transition.

Thank you


Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:44 am
by Tony Li

The Standard Scene Transition Manager doesn't do anything by itself. It needs to be configured -- for example, with a fader.

The easiest to set it up is:

1. Remove the Save System, [PlayerPrefs]SavedGameDataStorer, and [Json]DataSerializer components from wherever they are, such as the Dialogue Manager.

2. Download the SaveSystemPrefabs package from the Dialogue System Extras page and import it.

3. Drag the Save System prefab into your Start scene. You can add it to other scenes, too, for quick testing, but it should be in your Start scene -- that is, the first scene with the Menu System prefab. Also add the loading screen scene to your project's build settings.

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 12:11 pm
by hrohibil
Thank you Tony

Will try it out.

But does it only work on scenes?
What when I load a saved game ? Will I still get the fader effect?

When I am in the menu/ start scene a start a game will I have a loading screen as well?

Thank you

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 1:34 pm
by Tony Li

It will work when loading saved games and when changing scenes.

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 5:50 pm
by hrohibil
Hey tony

I did the steps.

Most works fine.

But on my scene i have a portal on the ground, when my player goes through it, he get transported up to a spacesip, its not a scene change..
I save the game while being up there. Now when i load game, the camera is een moving from the bottom and up. How can i control or setup so the loading game start when camera is steady?
I hope you get what i mean.
Maybe some sort of a delay?

Also I know i am on a long shot here, but is there any chance you know how i can change the loading screen rotating logo thingy to a progreesbar, you know with percentage?

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:36 pm
by Tony Li

One way to hide the camera motion is to make the fade-from-black longer.

You can also try decreasing the vThirdPersonCamera's Smooth and SmoothDamp values.

Or you can contact Invector to ask how to snap the camera immediately to behind the player.


To change the loading screen, open the LoadingScreen scene and customize it. The spinning logo thing is just an animated image. If you want to use a progress bar, you can write a script that fills the progress bar according to the value of PixelCrushers.SaveSystem.currentAsyncOperation.progress, which is a value of zero to 1.

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:37 am
by hrohibil
Hey Toni

I reached out to Invector to hear about the snapping camera to player immediately.
Have not heard from them yet.

How do i make the fade to black longer?

Please see attached video link, from main menu, when loading a game, there is split second glitch where an empty background is displayed before it goes to the loadingscreen.

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 8:32 am
by Tony Li

I'm checking with the Invector devs now for best practice with their camera controller. Telling Invector to snap the camera to its new position will be the best solution. I'll update you when I hear back from them.

However, you can also change the duration of the fade if you want. The Save System prefab's Fullscreen Black Canvas child has an Animator component. Its animator controller asset has states FadeToBlack and FadeFromBlack. You can change the animation assigned to FadeFromBlack, or just change its speed (e.g., to 0.5 to cut the fade speed in half).

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:42 pm
by hrohibil
Hi Tony

Invector advised me to turn smooth down completely and that did solve the issue on their end.
But what about has you see in the video, in my title/main scene when I load a game, there is a quick glitch/preview of an empty background before it gets to the loading screen page?
Please advice on that..

Thank you..

Re: Transition fade when loading saved game

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:31 pm
by Tony Li
In your Start scene, inspect the camera. Set Clear Flags to Solid Color. Set the Background color to (0,0,0) (black).

Then inspect your Save System GameObject's Standard Scene Transition Manager. Make sure Leave Scene Transition > Animation Duration and Min Transition Duration are at least 0.5 second, or at least as long as the duration of your fade-to-black animation clip.