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Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:59 pm
by hrohibil

Sorry for this noob question.

I am following the documentation to setup the DS with Invector shoote.

I cant seem to find this : Invector Inventory Saver component. or Dialogue System Invector Bridge component.?

Please assist?


Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:14 pm
by Tony Li

Please import these two unitypackages:
  • Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Common ► Third Party Support ► Invector Support
  • Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Dialogue System ► Third Party Support ► Invector Support
In the Unity editor, select menu item Assets > Import Package > Custom Package to import them.

Here are setup instructions for reference: Invector Integration

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:27 pm
by hrohibil
Thank you so much

I am on the latest Invector shooter template.

I use the DS demo menu for testing. If i click ESC and the menu comes up fine. When i press save it says saved. When i click load game, its says loaded but nothing happends, my player is at the same spot,, no changes??

I dont need the position saver right? Because when i add that it says "GAMEOBJECT HAS MORE THAN INE SAVER...."

EDIT: Also where is the Inventory Saver component.?

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:11 pm
by Tony Li

Yes, add a Position Saver. The warning tells you that, if you have more than one saver, you must assign unique keys to them. For example, set the Position Saver's Key to "PlayerPosition", set the Invector Inventory Saver's Key to "PlayerInventory", etc.

Make sure you've imported both packages. Then you can find the inventory saver script in Plugins ► Pixel Crushers ► Common ► Third Party Support ► Invector Support.

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:32 pm
by hrohibil
You are so awesome

I am totally blown away by the quick response. Wow. The review on the asset store were totally on spot.

So my current situatiuon

On my player i have:
-Invector Stats saver (Unique keyname added)
-Dialouge Systems Events
-Position saver (Unique keyname added)
-Invector Inventory Saver (Unique keyname added)

I have Dialogue manger on the scene.
I have the demo menu

Do i need anything else?
It still just says SAVED or LOADED, when i press the button in the menu but nothing happens. My player is on same spot. The menu just goes away saying the words Game saved or loaded

I am so hyped if i can get this to actually work

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:49 pm
by hrohibil
UPDATE to last post:

I opened a demo scene and added a few more componets to the ds manager.

It seems when i start and have the initila gun, i can save and load. But as soon as i ick up a weapon, then i can use the save/load anymore?
There was two times where i could press load, but then it loaded only wit same gun not the picked up one..

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 3:25 pm
by Tony Li

Here's an example scene:


Press Backspace to open the save/load menu. (Invector remaps the "Cancel" input to Backspace.)

You can compare the setup to your own scene. In your own scene, make sure the 'Save Across Scene Changes' checkbox is ticked on your saver components.

Also check the GameObject with the Save System component. An easy way to get a nice Save System set up is to download and import the SaveSystemPrefabs package from the Dialogue System Extras page (direct download). Then add the prefab Plugins / Pixel Crushers / Common / Save System Prefabs / Save System to your scene. Make sure your scene doesn't already have a Save System component (e.g., on the Dialogue Manager) since they will conflict.

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:49 pm
by hrohibil

I loaded the demo scene.
Save/Load works, But not the inventory. I tried changing wepaons several times and saved at different locations, it loads at the correct location but always start with the default handgun, yes i checked the inventory no weapons there.

And this was the demo. or the file you send me.
I setup exactly same setup on my scene and ofcourse i get same results.

Now i will try the saveSystemPrefabs from the extra to see if that makes a diference.
Thank you so much so far...

I just dont get it why it wont work as i can see the Invector Inventory saver script??

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:14 pm
by Tony Li
Are there any errors or warnings in the Console log?

I just tested the example scene above in Unity 2019.4, Dialogue System 2.2.22, and Invector Third Person Controller Shooter Template 2.6.0c, and it correctly loads the inventory. I picked up several weapons, moved to a location, and pressed Backspace to open the save menu. Then I clicked the Save button.

Then I exited play mode, played again, and clicked the save menu's Load button, and it restored the player's inventory and position.

When you click Load in the save menu, do you see something like this in the Console window?

invectorLoadGame.png (13.52 KiB) Viewed 3023 times

p.s. - If you get totally stuck, feel free to send a reproduction project to tony (at)

Re: Cant find components

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 7:33 pm
by hrohibil
Thank you Tony

I am not home right now.
But I could not help my self so I removed into my pc from my phone to test it out.

I am using the full paid version of Invector but I thought let me try add the definition in player settings PIXELCHRUSHERS_SAVESYSTEM and it freaking worked!!!

You are the man !!!! This is world class support..
Thank you