Translate Item names

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Translate Item names

Post by Kamotachi »

Hi there :!:

I've items in the game. Their name appear when you are close thanks to the "Usable" component.
This name, is the name of the gameObject. I want to translate this name.

When a gameObject contains a "Trigger Dialogue" with a Conversation, it's no problem. You can add a Field in the Actor Template, like "Display name jp", for example, and then the actor in game shows this name.

I've gameObjects with a TriggerDialogue component, but no contains a Conversation. In this case, shows the name of the gameObject. How can I display the name translated? Is it possible?

Maybe I can use a textTable, or maybe I need to create the Items in the Quest/Items tab and add a field named "Display name xx"?

If it's not possible, I will search for the way by scripting. I will continue being very happy with this dialogue system. :mrgreen:
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Tony Li
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Re: Translate Item names

Post by Tony Li »


Set the Usable component's Override Name field. For example, set Override Name to "Banana".

Then create a text table and assign it to the Dialogue Manager's Localization Settings > Text Table.

Add a field in the text table that matches the Override Name. For example, add a field named "Banana". Set the default translation (English) to "Banana". Set the Japanese translation to "バナナ".

Tip: You can also use [var=variable] and [lua(code)] tags in the Override Name.
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