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Exporting .csv dialogue with entrytaglocal

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:26 pm
by EntertainmentForge
Hey Tony,

I want to export entrytaglocal instead of entrytag in .csv file.
I made a short video since it's easiest to explain visually what's happening:

And one more thing. Is there a way to export only one character instead of all of them? But again with entrytaglocal next to each line. So I could send that to voice actors.

Thank you!

Re: Exporting .csv dialogue with entrytaglocal

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 10:15 pm
by Tony Li

There's no option to export CSV with entrytaglocal because entrytaglocal is just the entrytag plus the current language. The actual value of entrytaglocal depends on the current language at runtime. For example, if the language is set to ru (Russian), then for the entrytag Adam_27_42 the entrytaglocal would just be Adam_27_42_ru.

There's no option to export only a single character's lines. But your voice actor will probably want the other actors' lines so they have context to know how to portray their lines. However, if you do want to only provide the character's lines, you can sort the spreadsheet by character and then delete everything except a single character's rows.

Re: Exporting .csv dialogue with entrytaglocal

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:34 am
by EntertainmentForge
Thanks for replying anyway!
I guess it's going to be a big nuisance to record on multiple languages anyway.

Re: Exporting .csv dialogue with entrytaglocal

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:01 am
by Tony Li
It's not too bad. When you send the spreadsheet to your German actor, ask them to save each line's filename as the entrytag plus "_de". When you send the spreadsheet to your Spanish actor, ask them to save each line's filename as the entrytag plus "_es", etc. Then just put all those files in your project, and you're good to go.