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Dialogue System for Unity v1.5.9 Released

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:57 pm
by Tony Li
Version 1.5.9 is now available on the Pixel Crushers customer download site! (PM me your Unity Asset Store invoice number if you'd like access.) It should be available on the Asset Store in a few days.

Some handy new features in this version include:
  • Conversation-specific overrides. You can now set subtitle behavior, default sequences, timeout values, and more in the Dialogue Editor without having to use an Override Display Settings component.
  • You can now use [lua(...)] and [var=varName] markup in sequences. This adds a lot of new power and flexibility to sequences.
  • Other Dialogue Editor improvements: You can now append fields with the Lua wizard. There's a new button to quickly swap the speaker and listener in a dialogue entry node. The quest editor has a Use Group checkbox to make it easier to organize quests into groups.
  • Added RPGMaker-style timing commands to the Unity UI Typewriter Effect. For example, use "\," to pause 1/4 second, "\." to pause 1 second, "\^" to instantly finish the rest of the text, etc.
  • Runtime articy:draft importer: You can now import articy:draft data at runtime! (Runtime Chat Mapper import was already supported.) This provides another option for adding modding support to your games.
These were all feature requests from the community. Thanks for the great suggestions!

Here are the complete release notes:

Version 1.5.9
  • Changed: All triggers that are set to OnDestroy now respect LevelManager's OnLevelWillBeUnloaded message and won't fire in this case.
  • Changed: Audio/AudioWait sequencer commands no longer set AudioSources with volume=0 to volume=1.
  • Changed: For Windows Store/Phone compatibility, UTF7 & Default encoding is now Unicode, ASCII encoding is now UTF8.
  • Changed: Refactored several editor classes to support runtime articy:draft imports.
  • Added: Can now import articy:draft projects at runtime.
  • Added: Lua SetQuestState() and SetQuestEntryState() functions.
  • Added: OnQuestStateChanged message when quest states change.
  • Added: OnLinkedConversationStart when an active conversation links to another conversation.
  • Improved: Can now use [lua] & [var] markup tags in sequences.
  • Improved: Uses correct portrait picture according to participant's GameObject name or OverrideActorName component.
  • Improved: GameSaver searches scene for a LevelManager if it doesn’t have one as a child.
  • Fixed: Trigger editors weren’t saving changes made to instances of prefabs in some versions of Unity.
  • Fixed: [ConversationPopup] attribute with non-default database now shows correct conversation in playmode.
  • Dialogue Editor:
    • Added: Optional conversation-specific overrides for subtitle behavior, default sequences, etc.
    • Added: Button to quickly swap a dialogue entry node's speaker & listener.
    • Added: Use Group checkbox to Quest tab.
    • Improved: Lua wizards: Added option to append existing field; now applies automtically if you move away; added SimStatus & Custom dropdowns.
    • Fixed: Can now select cross-conversation links to group nodes or nodes without dialogue text.
    • Fixed: Sync Actors now syncs alternate portrait images.
  • Unity UI:
    • Improved: Typewriter effect timing codes added; improved rich text code support; automatically enables rich text support if needed.
    • Fixed: Removed duplicate typewriter effect from JRPG Dialogue UI prefab.
Third Party Support
  • Adventure Creator: Added component to fit UIs to forced aspect ratios.
  • Makinom: Show Alert node now uses Makinom string value, not a string literal.
  • ORK Framework: Run Lua action can now specify return value type.
  • Realistic FPS Prefab: Conversation handler prevents VisibleBody from animating body & CameraKick from bobbing camera.
  • Rogo LipSync: Updated for 0.5 compatibility.
  • RPG Kit: Made playerInventoryGameObjectName editable in RPGKitBridge; quest log window no longer hides cursor when closing by pressing Escape.
  • SALSA with RandomEyes: Updated for SALSA 1.4 compatibility; added support for RandomEyes shape groups.
  • Third Person Controller: Updated for Third Person Controller 1.2 compatibility.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity v1.5.9 Released

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:31 am
by terrymorgan
I don't understand the import options, before I could uncheck 'examples' Now there's a bunch of stuff grayed out. I just want the
UI prefabs, RPG kit 3rd party support (this I could identify) and the dialog system necessary parts, what should I do?

Re: Dialogue System for Unity v1.5.9 Released

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:14 am
by Tony Li
Unity 5.3 changed the way imports work. You should be fine to import everything. (As always with any update of any product, make a backup first.)

Also, the Asset Store does a little processing on the top level folder (Assets/Dialogue System), so you may get a GUID warning if you import from the Asset Store and then update from the Pixel Crushers download site or vice versa. It should be harmless, however.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity v1.5.9 Released

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:53 am
by terrymorgan
You should be fine to import everything
Not really, don't want the examples or all the other 3rd party support stuff. I had to uncheck every single item in examples and 3rd party.
In its favor, I noticed there's a little thumbnail of prefabs and materials now.

Re: Dialogue System for Unity v1.5.9 Released

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:16 am
by Tony Li
It may be easier to import everything and then delete the Examples folder and Third Party Support packages from the Project view.