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error: Couldn't create asset file!

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:10 pm
by geoff
Hi, I just started using this, and went through the tutorials, then set up my own scene.  I bought Chat Mapper and then exported their demo as XML, and tried to do a conversion of it into a Unity Asset, which I believe creates the Dialog Database.

Window -> Dialogue System ->  Converters -> Chat Mapper Converters

I get these console messages:

Dialogue System: Loaded C:/Users/ghowland/Documents/Chat Mapper/Example.xml.

Couldn't create asset file!

UnityEditor.AssetDatabase:CreateAsset(Object, String)

Dialogue System: An internal conversion error occurred. Please check the Console view and contact Pixel Crushers support. Error: C:/Users/ghowland/Documents/Chat Mapper/Example.xml


Doesn't seem to be a next step at this point, it says to contact you.

I havent modified the Chat Mapper demo (the kidnapping one) at all, so it should be normal.  I believe Dialogue System works with the audio files.  I tried clearing out the Portait Folder to see if that caused problems, but same error.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width=1233] Heres the error[/caption]

error: Couldn't create asset file!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:56 am
by Tony Li

Does the folder "Assets/ChatExample" exist? The converter won't create folders for you, but it will save into any existing folder located under "Assets" that you specify.

error: Couldn't create asset file!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:57 am
by geoff
Thanks.  That solved my problem.  It might be useful to add that error (or others) to the output, so I can fix them myself.

I wasnt aware the last field was directories, I thought it might have been the file name to use.

I got the XML converter working with my own simple Chat Mapper conversation, so thats awesome!

I did have a problem using the Example Project that comes with Chat Mapper, which has Lua script and MP3s and pictures and stuff.

1) It didnt play any of the MP3s.  Not sure if I have to do something special for this, like import them into the Asset, or if your converter does this automatically.

2) I got another error:

Dialogue System: Lua code 'return Dialog[1].SimStatus ~= "WasDisplayed"' threw exception 'Lookup of field 'SimStatus' in the table element failed because the table element itself doesn't in the table.'


This looks like Chat Mapper is using data it didnt import, or didnt get converted.  Since I havent started using all their variable stuff yet, I dont know what this is.

Are there only some things that Dialogue System supports that are in Chat Mapper, or should everything work and Im just missing the preparation steps to move more things over?

Thanks for your help!


error: Couldn't create asset file!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:33 am
by Tony Li
Hi Geoff,

3420 wrote: Thanks. That solved my problem. It might be useful to add that error (or others) to the output, so I can fix them myself.

Good suggestion. Will do.

3420 wrote: I did have a problem using the Example Project that comes with Chat Mapper, which has Lua script and MP3s and pictures and stuff. 1) It didnt play any of the MP3s. Not sure if I have to do something special for this, like import them into the Asset, or if your converter does this automatically.

It requires an extra step. Unity will only load arbitrary data (such as audio files) at runtime if it's inside a Resources folder. You'll need to put the MP3s in a Resources folder. In addition, the Dialogue System provides a much more sophisticated method for playing audio, animation, camerawork, etc., to allow it to interface with Unity. To work properly with Unity, you should play audio using sequences instead of Chat Mapper's Audio Files field.

3420 wrote: 2) I got another error: Dialogue System: Lua code ‘return Dialog[1].SimStatus ~= “WasDisplayed”‘ threw exception ‘Lookup of field ‘SimStatus’ in the table element failed because the table element itself doesn’t in the table.’ UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object)

Based on user requests, by default the Dialogue System excludes "SimStatus" to conserve memory. To include "SimStatus", tick "Include Sim Status" on the Dialogue Manager GameObject.

3420 wrote: Are there only some things that Dialogue System supports that are in Chat Mapper, or should everything work and Im just missing the preparation steps to move more things over?

Everything should work except links across different Chat Mapper project files, but this is on the roadmap.

error: Couldn't create asset file!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:29 pm
by geoff
Thanks for the follow up, that solves all my problems!