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Speech Bubble to Comment on Current Conversation?

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 1:01 pm
by CheMBurN

I'm trying to implement a system where an actor can 'bark' comments during a conversation without interrupting the flow of the main conversation.

I just need an idea of how I could get something like this working (if it is possible).

So currently I have two actors, A and B, who use the standard UI and the speech bubble UI, respectively. The attached screenshot shows the flow of the conversation - A as player and B as commenter. (Note: A is not actually player, used for clarity as it shows up in blue (conversations are one way, no response options come into play)).
After calling the conversation, when the convo goes to B, the standard UI gets hidden and and bubble UI shows up and switches again when it goes back to A.

How would I be able to:

1. The main branch of the conversation to flow while the other branch happens simultaneously. I suspect this might not be feasible if the inner workings of the DS wasn't built this way, so if not,

2. Carry conversation back and forth as normal however have both UIs visible and only hidden again after the whole conversation has run its course

I'm not looking for a complete solution, just an rough idea of how I might be able to go about this. Appreciate the help in advance!

Re: Speech Bubble to Comment on Current Conversation?

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:31 pm
by Tony Li

Add a Dialogue Actor component to B if it doesn't already have one. Assign the bark UI to Bark UI Settings. Set Dialogue UI Settings > Subtitle Panel Number to Use Bark UI.

Then rewire your conversation like this:

barkInConversation.png (27.33 KiB) Viewed 108 times

Set B's Sequence to something like:

Code: Select all

This will hide the standard UI and show it after a duration based on B's text length. You can change {{end}} to a literal number of seconds if you prefer.