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Dialogue panels visibility and dialogue history

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:13 am
by Nick92

I use your dialogue system for my game. It works great so far, but I have a few questions.
1. Is it possible to keep response panel (where player chooses his answers) and subtitle panel (where NPC talks) visible all the time? I've tried to enable "Always visible" checkbox, but it doesn't work.
2. Is it possible to show conversation history in NPC Subtitle panel? So player can scroll through it.


Re: Dialogue panels visibility and dialogue history

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:40 am
by Tony Li
Nick92 wrote:1. Is it possible to keep response panel (where player chooses his answers) and subtitle panel (where NPC talks) visible all the time? I've tried to enable "Always visible" checkbox, but it doesn't work.
Yes, just unassign them from your dialogue UI component (e.g., Unity UI Dialogue UI). This way the dialogue UI component won't try to hide or show them.
Nick92 wrote:2. Is it possible to show conversation history in NPC Subtitle panel? So player can scroll through it.
The built-in dialogue UI scripts don't do this, but it's fairly easy to add. The next release (1.5.9) will have an example dialogue UI that uses the NPC Subtitle panel as a conversation log panel that contains NPC and player lines through which the player can scroll back. I'll post a pre-release copy of the UI here later today.

Re: Dialogue panels visibility and dialogue history

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:55 pm
by Nick92
Oh! Thanks a lot. It's working :)

Re: Dialogue panels visibility and dialogue history

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:33 pm
by Tony Li
The Dialogue System Extras page has a dialogue UI that keeps a history of the running conversation. It's the third link down under UIs. The example scene and example dialogue UI prefab use the Runic fantasy theme, but you can use the ConversationLogUI script for your own UIs, too.