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Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:46 am
by escooler
Hi there,

I have been having a little trouble understanding the relationship between the Typewriter script you place on a NPC subtitle line, the subtitle settings for characters per second, and min subtitle duration.

Basicly, I am trying to get my dialogue to type on briskly (as small passage), then display a response once complete. If I blast up the Char - per second on both the typewriter - and subtitle settings, it still does not seem to write on any faster past a certan point (if I dial it down it slows), does the typewriter script have a max speed it at move at? I also always seem to have to set the substitle settings a little lower in order to to match up.

At the moment the text comes up to a certain point (and then because there is no delay) the the options come right up (and the text box skips to the text recap).

Does that make sence..

Basicly, I cannot seem to snyc these up, and I cannot seem to get the typewriter to come on any faster than about 40 chars per sec?

Fingers crossed you can help, been banging my head a little while

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:37 pm
by Tony Li
Hi Adam,

Prior to version, the Dialogue System's Unity UI typewriter effect speed was capped at one character per frame update (typically 60 characters/second). In, you can set it faster.

The duration for the subtitle is independent of the typewriter speed. Designers typically set the typewriter speed faster than the Dialogue Manager's Subtitle Chars Per Second. This way the typewriter finishes and the full text is visible for a while before the conversation advanced to the response menu.

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:15 pm
by escooler
Hey Tony,

Thanks for getting back to me so quick, I understand I think i was suggling with the realtionship because I could not understand why things were not having an effect past the cap.

I try to avoid updating assets things on current projects, but thought I would give it a shot to get access to this...seems to be ok. But now I am getting this funny typewritter error where it typewrites through the sentence (and puts a random hex code in by mistake). Any idea whats going on here / have you seen this before

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:35 pm
by Tony Li
Hi Adam,

Tick Support Rich Text on your Text component. To get the spacing perfect for centered and right-justified text, the typewriter effect now always shows the entire text but "hides" part of it by changing its color to invisible. It uses rich text to do this.

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:40 pm
by escooler
Hey, Thanks alot! I would have literally never found that.

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:41 pm
by Tony Li
Happy to help! I'll make a note about rich text in the next version's documentation.

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:13 pm
by miguelfanclub
Im having same issue with my rich text and typewriter, this is what I see:

First this, happens very quickly, enough for you to see it

Then this:


I have Rich Text tick on in the label, also in the dialogue manager emphasis option (wich I have no clue of what it does)

That is my dialogue rich text:

<color=red><b><i>definitely not</i></b></color>

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:18 pm
by Tony Li
Hmm, I'll test this and get back to you later today.

Are you using version 1.5.7a, which is the current version on the Asset Store?

(You can also download an update for the Unity UI support scripts on the Dialogue System Extras page.)

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:24 pm
by miguelfanclub
I have 1.5.7a Installed.

Re: Typewriter, and subtitle settings.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:35 pm
by Tony Li
Thanks, Miguel. I'll check that version. BTW, the Dialogue Manager's Rich Text Emphases checkbox tells the Dialogue System to use rich text codes for [em#] emphasis tags. This produces the best appearance.