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Post by miguelfanclub »

Im trying to do the Quick Start Scene conversation using Playmaker.
Frustrating so far. No info at all or tutorials.
So I'm unable to use the "Start Conversation" action, cant load in the existing conversation in the "conversation" field.

How can I trigger the conversation using Playmaker?

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Tony Li
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Re: Playmaker

Post by Tony Li »


Nothing in the quick start scene requires PlayMaker or any scripting.

However, if you want to use PlayMaker, refer to the PlayMaker Support documentation. A video tutorial is coming out tomorrow.

Briefly: Just add a "Start Conversation" action. Type the conversation's title into the Conversation field. Set Actor to the Player. If the FSM is on your NPC, you can leave Conversant blank. That's it.

How you get to that state is up to you. The Dialogue System doesn't impose any restrictions. For example, in the "Quick Start/Final" scene, I added a trigger collider and this FSM to Sergeant Graves:


BTW, the reason for a freeform text field for the Conversation field is so developers can use a PlayMaker string variable if they want to. This provides more power to developers than if it were only a dropdown.
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Tony Li
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Re: Playmaker

Post by Tony Li »


The PlayMaker integration tutorial is here.

You can see all tutorials on the Dialogue System Tutorials page.
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