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The Plugin "ConversationLogUI_2017-05-29.unitypackage" missing some script

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 4:30 am
by shortlin
Hi Tony,I want to record the conversation to make a displayed log.So I found the plug-in
,but the example scene could not run,It will miss some scirpt like this:
sshot-2020-11-26-[17-29-38].png (8.43 KiB) Viewed 448 times
It is in Dialogue Manager So I tried to add DialogueSystemController and set database and UI,but it seem not work(could not talk with the npc....or I don't know how to talk?).
And I Found "Conversation Log Unity UI Dialogue UI" also miss a script,so is it the script "ConversationLogUI"?

Re: The Plugin "ConversationLogUI_2017-05-29.unitypackage" missing some script

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:55 am
by Tony Li

That example is very old. You don't need it. It's for DS version 1.x and will not work with version 2.x unless you run it through the 1x to 2x updater.

The ability to scroll back is built into the Dialogue System now. See the Pro/Scrolling, Pro/Runic, or Templates/WRPG dialogue UI prefabs. They all let you scroll back in the current conversation.

If you need the conversation log to remain after the conversation ends, you will need to write a script. See the ConversationLogger.cs script for an example.