Scene Portal issue

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Scene Portal issue

Post by Engineer »


I use Opsive Third Person Controller + Dialogue System.
When the player enters for the first time the scene portal trigger in scene A he gets to the start point in scene B (not spawnpoint). When he returns (B->A) for a few frames he is placed to the start point in scene A and then to the spawnpoint. And then if the player moves A->B->A->... he gets for a few frames on the start point in the current scene and then to the spawnpoint.
I've tried to hide this effect by using StandardSceneTransitionManager with SceneFaderCanvas prefab from demo but it works incorrectly as well. When the player enters for the first time the scene portal trigger in scene A the screen turns black but there is no effect in the scene B. And then there is no effect while moving A->B->A->... and inspector shows that animator is missing.

I appreciate any help

Sceneportal_1.jpg (249.81 KiB) Viewed 378 times
SceneTransition_1.jpg (21.96 KiB) Viewed 378 times
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Tony Li
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Re: Scene Portal issue

Post by Tony Li »


I see that the Leave Scene Transition's Animator is unassigned. You might like to use the save system prefabs package included on the Dialogue System Extras page. Search for "SaveSystemPrefabs". It has a Save System prefab that's configured to fade out, loading an intermediate loading screen (which you can customize) and then fade in on the new scene.

Upon entering the new scene, the save system can't move the player into its spawnpoint until TPC has initialized it, which takes one frame. Make sure the Save System component's Frames To Wait Before Apply Data is set to 1.
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Re: Scene Portal issue

Post by Engineer »

Thanks a lot!

Fade out/in works perfect and I figured out what I've done wrong.

I've tested different values of Frames To Wait Before Apply Data (0, 1, ...). The "blinking" doesn't disappear.
It seams that there is no easy solution to fix this "blinking". Fade out/in hides this effect perfectly.

Thanks a lot once again!
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Tony Li
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Re: Scene Portal issue

Post by Tony Li »

Glad to help!
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