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articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:17 am
by Arcanor
I've set up a quest template in articy. My first quest now looks like this when I define it:
articy quest template issue 2015-10-24_6-53-08.jpg
articy quest template issue 2015-10-24_6-53-08.jpg (109.9 KiB) Viewed 1775 times
As far as I can see, I think I've gotten it right, according to your documentation here.

During the intro narration dialogue, I place the following lua code into an Instruction:

Code: Select all

Quest["Find_Mathis!"].State = "active";
Quest["Crystals_of_Power"].State = "active";
Quest["Find_Mathis!"].Entry_1_State = "success";
However I seem to be unable to view the quest entry states in either the HUD or in the quest log, for either of my two quests, when in my game. Note that both quests have 3 quest entries, and all states are set to "active" from inside articy (except for "Find_Mathis!" entry 1, which I manually set to "success" above).
articy entries not showing 2015-10-24_7-00-08.jpg
articy entries not showing 2015-10-24_7-00-08.jpg (172.99 KiB) Viewed 1775 times
As an example, here's how it looks when I use the ChatMapper database. As you can see, the quest entries are all showing (3 for each quest). I would expect the articy imported data to look the same, but it isn't:
chatmapper quest entries are fine 2015-10-24_7-08-13.jpg
chatmapper quest entries are fine 2015-10-24_7-08-13.jpg (179.08 KiB) Viewed 1775 times
The quest entry with a state of "success" shows fine, in both the HUD and the log. But all the remaining quest entries (which have state "active", set as the entries' starting state in articy) are not showing at all in my UI when using the articy data.

Is this a bug? Or an error in my implementation? Or a documentation issue?

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:55 am
by Arcanor
Okay, I've got this one figured out. It's a bug in the articy importer code.

When I set quest entry states to "active" they are being imported as "unassigned".

However, if I set quest entry states to "success" they are being imported as "active".

This is apparently a "0-based index" bug for the states pull-down list. You need to increment the value you import by +1. ;)

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:41 am
by Tony Li
Add Booleans IsQuest and IsItem to your entity template. (Those are the technical names, without spaces.) For quests, tick IsQuest. I think this should do it.

For your custom template properties, make sure Add to XML-export is ticked and the names you've shown in your screenshot are also their Technical Names.

Another articy / Dialogue System user is contributing a really nice, comprehensive articy project template that I'm going to comment and make available on the Dialogue System Extras page this weekend. You'll be able to use it as a reference to fill in any properties you might want to add to your own project.

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:40 am
by Arcanor
Thanks for your reply Tony, but I think you may have missed my 2nd post in this thread. Sorry that my original post was so long! I had some difficulty describing it in a way that made sense, and obviously I failed.

I did just now add those IsQuest and IsItem booleans to articy, but it made no difference. Also, "Add to XML-export" is ticked on all properties. If I want the importer to get "active" state, I need to set it to "success" in articy.

As I mentioned in my prior post, I think this is a 0-based/1-based bug in the importer. I've experimented with setting a quest entry state value in articy. The state IS coming over. It's just always one value too low.

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:16 pm
by Tony Li
Hi Walt,

In articy, did you set the dropdown values to exactly the values in the table here?

"unassigned" must equal 1, "active" must equal 2, "success" must equal 3, etc.

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:21 pm
by Arcanor
Hey Tony, thanks so much for your continued follow-up, ON THE WEEKEND. Sorry to keep bugging you with all these posts!

Yes, those are the values I'm using:
articy quest entry status list 2015-10-24_13-18-00.jpg
articy quest entry status list 2015-10-24_13-18-00.jpg (62.77 KiB) Viewed 1767 times

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:37 pm
by Tony Li
This appears to have changed since 2.4.0. It used to be the value you assigned to the dropdown list, but now it's the zero-based order in the list. I'll update the converter.

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:55 pm
by Tony Li
Okay, there's a patch on the customer download site now. If it doesn't do the trick, please let me know.

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:57 pm
by Arcanor
Super fast, thanks so much! I'll go test it right now.

Re: articy quest entries not showing in HUD or quest log

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 2:02 pm
by Arcanor
Working perfectly now. Thanks Tony!