Variable Constants - Code Generation
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:30 pm
I was thinking it'd be nice to be able to reference variable names as constants so I wrote a little script to help me. It occurred to me that it might be a worthwhile addition so I figured I'd share in case:
A) anyone was interested
B) it seemed worth adding (albeit after some serious cleanup)
Here's what I wrote:
A) anyone was interested
B) it seemed worth adding (albeit after some serious cleanup)
Here's what I wrote:
Code: Select all
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace EditorMods
public class DialogueDatabaseConstantGenerator : MonoBehaviour
private const string MenuRoot = "Tools/Dialogue System Addons/";
private const string DatabaseLocation = "Assets/Dialogue";
private const string OutputScriptName = "DialogueSystemVariableConstants";
private const string DialogueDatabaseName = "Voodoo Detective Dialogue Database.asset";
private const string LanguageCode = "en-US";
/// <summary>
/// Generate a file full of constants for each database variable.
/// </summary>
[MenuItem(MenuRoot + "Generate Variable Constants", false, 50)]
public static void GenerateVariableConstants()
// Fetch Database
Object[] assets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(DatabaseLocation + "/" + DialogueDatabaseName);
if (assets.Length != 1) throw new System.Exception("Could not find database.");
DialogueDatabase database = assets[0] as DialogueDatabase;
if (database == null) throw new System.Exception("Dialogue database could not be loaded.");
TextInfo textInfo = new CultureInfo(LanguageCode, false).TextInfo;
// Create File
string fileLocation = DatabaseLocation + "/" + OutputScriptName + ".cs";
if (File.Exists(fileLocation)) File.Delete(fileLocation);
using (StreamWriter constantFile = new StreamWriter(fileLocation))
// Generate Script
constantFile.WriteLine("namespace PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem");
constantFile.WriteLine(" /// <summary>");
constantFile.WriteLine(" /// This file was generated. Do not edit.");
constantFile.WriteLine(" /// </summary>");
constantFile.WriteLine(" public class " + OutputScriptName);
constantFile.WriteLine(" {");
foreach (Variable var in database.variables)
constantFile.WriteLine(" public const string " + SanitizeVariableName(textInfo, var.Name) + " = \"" + var.Name + "\";");
constantFile.WriteLine(" }");
// Refresh Database
private static string SanitizeVariableName(TextInfo textInfo, string varName)
return textInfo.ToTitleCase(varName).Replace("_", "");