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Issue with CinemachinePriority() Cut Command

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:20 pm
by 3Gregg

I am having issues with the cut command regarding CinemachinePriority().

As you can see below, I have the sequence in there (camera, cut), but it's still blending between the two. Any idea why that might be? I saw there was an issue previously, but based on patch notes back in June it seems that isn't the issue.
Snag_350175.png (56.11 KiB) Viewed 641 times
Thank you!

Re: Issue with CinemachinePriority() Cut Command

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:26 pm
by Tony Li
The square brackets shown around [cut] in the manual indicate that the cut parameter is optional. You don't need to actually include the square brackets in your sequencer command. Try this:

Code: Select all

CinemachinePriority(Aneya OS Med, 999, cut)
If you leave the middle parameter blank, it will default to a value of 999:

Code: Select all

CinemachinePriority(Aneya OS Med, , cut)
(However, note that I included the middle parameter, as indicated by the two commas, but I left that parameter as a blank string.)

Re: Issue with CinemachinePriority() Cut Command

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:26 pm
by 3Gregg
Ha, well now I feel dumb. That worked perfectly. Thank you!

Re: Issue with CinemachinePriority() Cut Command

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 2:30 pm
by Tony Li
Glad to help! :-)