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Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:43 am
by PeterParked
I'm using Dialogue System for Unity 1.5.5 and Adventure Creator 1.47b, and I'm following the excellent Quests video tutorial you made.

I'm creating a quest somewhat similar in concept to the "Thin the Ranks" quest, but I'm using an Adventure Creator action list.

Accordingly, I've created a variable (originally in Articy:Draft, so thanks for that converter)


I've created a quest entry, as you describe in the tutorial video:


Then I'm using the "Third Party / Dialogue System Lua" to decrement that variable with a basic Variable["variable"] = Variable["variable"] - 1 statement


I've confirmed with the Lua Console that the variable is in fact decrementing via the action list, so the Lua is working, but the quest tracker display is not showing that change.

Besides selecting the "Update Quest Tracker" tickbox, what else should I be doing to make sure my tracker HUD displays the updated variable?

Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:46 am
by Tony Li

There's an updated Adventure Creator Support package on the Dialogue System Extras page. If you import it, it should fix the issue you described. The Dialogue System now allows quest trackers to be children of the Dialogue Manager, whereas previously they had to be on the Dialogue Manager GameObject itself. The Adventure Creator Support package needed to be updated accordingly.

Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator [Solved]

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:28 pm
by PeterParked
Thanks, it's all working together now! I appreciate the help.

Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator [Solved]

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:55 pm
by Tony Li
My pleasure!

Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:05 pm
by PeterParked
Hi, Tony - thanks for the new release! I'm now using the new Dialogue Manager version 1.5.6, but where Quest Tracker was working for me yesterday, post-update it's not displaying my variable correctly.

This quest entry, [lua(Variable["Quests.CinderellaBall_Items_Remaining"])] items remaining,

was successfully interpreted yesterday as "5 items remaining" in quest tracker,

but after I installed the update package, it doesn't seem to be parsing, and is displaying as [lua(Variable["Quests.CinderellaBall_Items_Remaining"])] items remaining

I've also tried (Variable["Quests.CinderellaBall_Items_Remaining"]), but no dice.

Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:44 pm
by Tony Li
Sorry, that's a bug! I'll post a fix by tomorrow. It's a quick fix.

Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:55 pm
by Tony Li

Thanks for letting me know about the bug. If you import this package, it will properly handle markups tags such as [lua(...)] in quest entry text:


Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator [Solved]

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:18 pm
by PeterParked
Thank you, sir - everything's working great now.

Re: Updating Quest Tracker with Adventure Creator

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:49 pm
by Tony Li
Great! When you get a chance, I recommend downloading version It includes some additional fine-tuning to the Unity UI stuff, in particular to the typewriter effect and to animation on subtitle panels.